Al Centro Commerciale

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Destiny's POV:

We sat at a table in the food court. I turned around and tried to breath calmly. I didn't want for Andrea to notice I was a bit scared but I had to face anyone. Mostly because her life was now in danger and I'm the one that can prevent anything bad happening to her

"Oh! His coming." Andrea pointed to someone walking on our direction.

"Andrea! Sorry for being a bit late. Traffic you know." Ignazio said. Andrea got up and hugged him.

"Don't worry.  It's fine." She smiled and then saw me.

"Hi Destiny.  How are you?" Ignazio asked. Once I heard him say that, a flashback of the incident earlier came and felt a cold chill run down my spine.

"H- hi Ignazio. I - I'm fune, don't worry about me." I said. I didn't even bother to get up or shake his hand.

"Come on. Let's get started Nazio." Andrea said. Both took out their folders and grabbed theur music and lyric sheets. It took them 3 times to sing the same song over, just to make it official on hiw they were going to split the song for the show. I didn't have to worry about mine since I was going to be in the chorus.


"I'll be right back." Andrea said. She was going to the resteoom since we had been sitting down and talking to Ignazio for what seemed for hours. Now, I was left alone with him.

"So.." Ignazio said. His voice made me jump a bit in my seat. "Thanks for not saying anything. Oh! And I would like to look around with her. Just the two of us." His eyebrows were up.

"I'm not leaving you alone with her." I protested.

"Oh, I'm not telling you, I'm ordering you to come up with something so you can leave us alone." He said in his threatening voice.

"F- F- Fine. But if you touch her or d-do something to h-her, I s-swear you'll regret all this." I threatened back.

"O-okay. Can you like not talk like that? You sound retarted or something.  Ok, if it makes you feel better, I swear I won't do anything to her." He raised his hand and looked straight at me.

"What are you swearing about?" Andrea said right before I responded to him.

"Oh! It's a little secrete you know. Right Destiny?" He looked at me with that evil look of his.

"Yeah. Um hey I have to go. I just got a call from my mom. She wants me to go call her. I don't know what she wants, but I have to go find out." I lied.

"Oh! Well, if anything is going on, just call me and I'll go quickly ok?" Andrea hugged me and said "Here. Take the car. You don't mind giving me a ride right?" She asked Ognazio as she gave me the keys.

"I don't mind." He said happily.

"Um, ok. Bye Andrea. Be careful." I said as we hugged again. I saw Ignazio's face and I motioned him to keep his promise. I left to the parking lot but I couldn't stop thinking on Andrea being alone with Ignazio.

Ignazio's POV:

We had walked around the mall and stopped in some stores to look around. We had two bags each and were now heading to my car.

"Nazio, thanks for the distraction." Andrea said as we got in the car.

"What distraction?" I asked.

"Well, I found Destiny tied up when I got home from school, and I'm really worried of what she told me." She looked down at her hands.

"What did she say?" If she tells me something that could lead to the real person, I swear I will go pay another visit to her dearest friend.

"She just told me to be careful with everyone around me. That there's someone that really wants to hurt me and you see, I thought it was Andrew all the time but it's not him. It's someone else." She said, still looking down.

I reached for her hands and said "Don't worry.  If I'm around and I see that someone, I'll make sure they suffer with my fists."

She looked up at me and smiled. "Thanks Nazio." I, then, drobe to the beach as we had discussed to spend the evening. We just wanted to see the sunset and go back home.

It was now 5:30 and we now sat in a wodden swing, up in a hill before getting to the sand. It was a bit cold but we had pur coats and shared a blanket she had bought.

"Andrea,  can I tell you something?" I said.

"Sure." She didn't look at me since she starred at the horizon.  I took jer hands in mine and she turned. She looked down, confused and said "What's wrong?"

I chuckled and smirked a bit. "This is what's wrong with me." I leaned in without thinking and placed my lips on hers.

Hey guys! Im super sorry in not updating in like forever! It's been quite crazy around here. Plus I'm working on a Loki fanfic too so yeah :/ too much to write. The chaper is short and all but I hope you guys liked it. VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

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