Arrivederci Tortura

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*Before you continue. This chapter contains inappropriate language,  so please be careful and not be saying them. Thanks :)*

Piero's POV:

I freaked out as I saw Andrew take out a knife from his back. I took a step back but stumbled with the shell. Andrea picked it up and hugged it, turning quickly to hug Maria too. My hands and arms were spread behind me as I protected the girls.

"Stay away from us you maniac!" I shouted, knowing it was pointless. He kept on walking slowly towards us, until we felt the cool water in our feet and stopped.

"Piero, I know what to do." Andrea whispered in my ear. I turned quickly to see her and noticed she had came up with a plan, due to her face expression. "You take Maria back to your car and leave. I know what I have to do." Andrea said.

"No! I'm not going to risk your own life just to save ours. I'm staying here." I protested.

She frowned and said "Fine, but when I say run, you guys run, ok?" Maria and I nodded and saw how Andrea stepped foward.

"This is absurd Andrew! Here I am. Kill me if you want but let them go. They have nothing to do with OUR situation." Andrea said, lowering the shell from her chest.

" I will not kill you,  but I want you to know that I am the only one that can be your partner for life, not this fucking nerd and his little bitchy sister." Andrew said as he came to a stop as soon as Andrea talked.

"Yes. You're right. What was I think of? I should be with you instead of Piero." She walked closer to him and now stood right in front of him. "Andrew, thank you for opening my eyes. Now, I should do something I have always wanted to do."

It seemed as if she was leaning in and about to kiss him. I couldn't believe it,  like how would she do that mostly in front of me. Was she playing with MY feelings? I shook my head at those thoughts, then I noticed she raised the hand with the shell to her back and let it drop.

"Ow!" I heard Andrew scream in pain.

"Run!" Andrea shouted over her shoulder. Maria ran and took our stuff as I stayed behind.

"I'm not leaving you here with him by yourself." I shouted as I grabbed the beach blanket that was left behind by Maria.

"Don't worry,  I'll meet you in the parking lot. Just lock the doors and wait for me. But now just go!" Andrea shouted. I ran to the car and Maria was inside and already waiting for me.

"We have to wait for Andrea in here." I said and locked the car.

Andrea's POV:

"You deserve that and more, but since I'm a nice person, I'll leave you with this little reminder." I let the shell drop in his stomach and he curled up more in the sand.

"You little... fucking bitch!" He growled under his breath.

"Call me what you want Andrew Myers.  Oh, and let me tell you that I wasn't terrified to your texts. That was just ridiculous for you to do A.M." I said angrily as I remembered the threatening texts.

"I thought... you weren't going... ugh! To find... out you stupid... ugh!" He was in pain, and I was glad he was in that state.

"If you ever threatened me again, I swear I'll get you arrested and in prison,  you understand?!" With that said, I kicked him with all my anger in his side and left him there. I walked to where my stuff was and packed up. I walked up the hill and was now in front of the car where Piero and Maria were in.

"What happened? Are you ok?" Piero asked.

"Yes I'm fine. And please don't worry about what happened.  I cleared up some things and I made sure he understood. He'll stop bugging me and you guys with all his threatening texts and no one will get hurt anymore." I said.

"He threatened you with texts? Why didn't you say anything?" He asked.

"Yes, and at first I really was scared, but when I noticed that Destiny got food poisoned,  I knew it was him all along." I took my phone and showed Piero the messages.

"Oh, but... who's I.B?" Piero asked. I didn't notice that there were two people involved with this.

"I don't know,  but we must find out who it is before it's too late." I said.

*drum roll* Ta-da! Lol I'm sorry I update til now. Lots of both good and bad things happened this month (other that it was my bday) but somehow I couldn't update this story. Tbh, I got a bit stuck with the next chapters but I got my ideas back. Please VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: Who do y'all think is this other mysterious person? ... Do you think this I.B person will try and hurt someone loved by Andrea? Let me know in the comments ;) Oh and there's a picture at the side of Piero in the beach ;) #sexy lol

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