Il Giro

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Destiny's POV:

"Omg! Look at the gorgeous river! Andrea, look!" I shouted. we were in the a huge, gulf cart- looking car. Andrea got a little bit nervous before the trip, maybe it was because we were going to be a little late to our only class of the day.

I knew she was going to get over it soon. The rest of the tour was boring. The guide just showed us the library, the different hangout places, administration buildings, the part where all the classes where located, and this huge place where we could get lunch and breakfast.

We got off the car thing and headed towards our first class. Mine was English, while Andrea had Italian.

"Ill meet you by that fountain over there so we could get some dinner and take to the apartment, ok?" I said to Andrea.

"Ok. good luck Destiny."

"You too girly." we gave each other a hug and went our ways. When I got to the class, there were two girls and three other guys there. The teacher showed me where I was going to sit and to leave my schedule on his desk. The bell rang like 3 minutes later, and he introduced himself to everyone.

"Ciao class. Welcome to freshmen college English. I am professor Camilo and I would like to get to know each and every one of you. Ok, so let's get started. I'll choose a schedule, as I asked for in the door. You'll come up, say your full name, and 3 little facts about yourself." Mr. Camilo said.

I knew that in this class I was going to have a good time. the rest of the class time, we introduced ourselves and he gave us his list of expectations and a syllabus. Before the bell rang to finally go home, some guy came to me. At first, I didn't recognize him, but then, I knew who he was.

Andrea's POV:

I had to learn Italian since I now lived in Sicily, Italy. The teacher was nice, she made lots of jokes and told us about her life. Later, she made us introduce ourselves in Italian. The class basically went by quick since she made it so fun. as the bell rang, some guy  ran out the class, shoving me to the wall.

"Jerk!" I scram. I saw how he left running in a hurry, then I turned my gaze and saw Destiny coming out of the building she had gone in for class. And she didn't came alone, apparently she was talking with a guy.

"Andrea! Look who is in my English class!" I heard Destiny scream as she got closer to me. She was literally dragging this guy because the poor guy was running behind her. She came to a stop in front of me, and when he stepped forward to introduced himself, I fell in shock.


hey guys! who do you think is this mysterious guy? I know u guys are barely knowing the characters, but this one, is special. you'll find out next chapter ;) Vote, comments and SPREAD THE WORD!  -Bridget

P.s: <-- (I like to do that) : So a little bit behind the this story; I actually dreamt this and as soon as woke up, I wrote the whole dream out. of course, im going to make it longer for the story. I hope you can imagine it as you read it, cuz to me, it looked pretty real. :)

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