Armonia e Giochi

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Ignazio's POV:

I kissed her but she didn't kiss back, instead she pushed me away and slapped me. My right cheek burned and my head was turned.

Andrea gasped and said "I'm sorry Nazio. I didn't mean to slap you, but... you know I like Piero."

I turn my head to see her clearly now and my hand is massaging my cheek. "But your not going out with him."

"No, but we are together. We are trying to take it slow and it's working fine." She said, now looking at her red hand. I stopped massaging my cheek and took her hand.

"I'm sorry. I was the one that got carried away. Plus, I just wanted to let you know that... I like you. And a lot. But now I see you and Piero are taking it seriously."

Andrea looked at me and said "That's very nice. But we can just be friends Nazio. I like you too but just not in that way." There was a long silence in between when she decided to break it "Can you take me home now?"

I nodded and headed back to the car. The whole drive was also silent, except for the radio playing songs. Once in a while, I noticed Andrea tap her feet or her fingers. I smiled but deep inside me, I knew there was something burning and it hurt.

"Well here we are. Hey, um I'm sorry again." I said as I unlocked the door for her to get off.

"It's ok. And let's not tell anyone, it never happened." She smiled and said "Keep up practicing the song. I'll see you tomorrow ok. Bye Nazio."

Once she closed the door of her house, I hit the steering wheel.  "God! Piero isn't going to take her from me." I drove off to my house and decided to call my friend for advice.

*Next day in concert*
Andrea's POV:

I was being dragged from one place to another. Hair, makeup, clothes, pictures, rehearsals and barely had time to eat something. I was finally left alone with Piero and Gianluca. We were going over the song we were going to sing. I was going to sing out three different songs. The guys were dressed in tuxedos and black shoes while I had on a Mrs. Santa Claus dress with black leather boots that came to me knee.

"Come on guys! It's show time!" Our choir teacher came in and said. We stood up and fixed one last time our outfit and made our way to the stage.

We took our places and the music began. I began to sing Jingle Bells Rock, then Gianluca started with Let it Snow and Piero ended the song with It's the most wonderful time of the Year. We danced and sang, having a good time on stage. The elderly were so happy and dancing in their seats, some were clapping and others were singing along.

Everyone got to sing at least two songs but I was the only one singing four since one of the girls had an accident before the show. I had to learn the song in less than 10 minutes! So I went up and sang Santa Claus is Coming to Town with Ignazio and ended the show singing Mis Deseos/ Feliz Navidad with the three guys. It was a blast that I noticed some of the elderly crying at the end of the show.

I wanted to get down the stage and hug everyone of them but Piero hold me back, I guess he wanted to do the same. I smiled and bowed as rehearsed. We all went backstage and celebrated for our performance. The teacher had told us we were hanging for the rest of the day in a restaurant with games. We all went and had a good time.

"Andrea! Come over here, look at this!" Piero shouted as I took off the ice skates. I placed them back in the shelf and went to Piero. He stood in the ice rink and did a perfect spin in the air and landed without any problem. I clapped and I felt a hand around my waist.

I turn around to see who it was and saw Ignazio. "What's wrong with you?" I said as I frowned and took his hand off from me.

"Oh, my bad. I was going to tell you to come with me to go play laser tag." He said, backing up.

"Oh! Well, I'm going in with Piero and Gianluca. You can go ask Destiny if she wants to go with you." I said.

"Andrea! Come on! We're next." Piero shouted from the line to go to the laser tag.

"It's ok, I could wait for the next round." Nazio said. I smirked and went to the line.

Ignazio's POV:

I saw when Piero and Andrea went in, followed in after Gianluca. I took my lazer tag ticket and went in. I took the vest and gun as instructed and took my place in a dark corner. I had everything in mind, no one will even notice.

"Go!" A voice over the speaker said and the game began. I got five people out in less than two minutes. Jackpot! I walked across the room and hid behind a wall with a neon border. I spotted Andrea behind a couch looking thing and made my way to her. She was too busy shooting at other people that I easily sneaked up at her.

"Gotcha!" I shouted and she turned.

"Oh come on!" She shouted and then frowned. "Wait, weren't you getting in on the next group?"

"Nope." I added the 'p' at the end and raised my gun. "Sorry, but I want to win this game." I said and found her target in the vest.

"Not fair." She said and I clicked the gun. She was out and I smiled. She frowned, got up and turned to exit the dark room.

"Where you going?" I asked. She turned her heel and said "Well I'm out. I'll leave the stuff in it's place what else."

She turned again but I ran and hit her right in the back of her head. "No you're not. You're coming with me."

Hello! Im super sorry for not updating! But here's a brand new chapter for yall! VOTE, COMMENT, AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: What do yall think Ignazio did that for?! D:

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