Al Salvataggio

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Piero's POV:

We ran to where I saw the beach blankets in the sand. We stopped and I shouted for Maria to all directions. Nothing was my answer everytime  I paused.

"Piero...?" I turned and Andrea was looking up at the parking lot. I followed her gaze and noticed she was looking at a red pickup truck.

"What? What's wrong with that truck?" I looked at her and she was speechless. She did a small frown and then shouted "That's Andrew's truck."

"What? Why are you surprised?" I didn't understand why she was so shocked.

"Piero?! Maria is in the water?!" She snapped out and pointed towards the sea. My eyes opened wide and without thinking, I took off my shirt and glasses and ran to the water.

'I should have listened to Andrea. If my sister is... dead it would be my fault for leaving her by herself' I thought. I snapped back to reality and now I was underwater, looking for Maria. I swam down and deeper, the oxygen running out didn't help me much. After swimming for what seemed an eternity with breathing breaks, I took the last and biggest breath ever and dived in. This time, I felt my eyes get watery but I hold that emotion in. I dove deeper than the last couple of times and saw a hand with a bracelet that I had made a couple of days ago.

I reached the hand and saw Maria unconscious.  I gtabbed and tugged her hand up to the surface. Once I got to land, I let her down in the sand and started doing CPR on her.

"Piero, she doesn't look that good." Andrea said as she ran to my side and kneeled down. I pressed on her chest and blew on her mouth ten times but nothing. I stopped and fell back to the sand. 'I can't lose my little sister'

"Here! I'm not letting her die." Andrea said as she threw the shell on my chest and scooted over to where I was. I sat there confused at the shell but something made me keep and hug it. I dozed off as I saw Andrea press Maria's chest. I wanted to cry  but I couldn't. 'What's wrong with me? Why can't I cry?'

"Maria!" I heard Andrea shout. I got up quickly on my knees and moved to Andrea's side. She sat in the sand, coughing the water out. I hugged her and finally cried.

"What were you thinking?! You know very well to never go in the water by yourself!" I shouted as I grabbed her face in my hands.

"I'm sorry Piero and I know that, but I didn't get in the water in my own will." Maria said, wiping off her hair from her face.


"Piero, she's telling the truth." Andrea said. I looked up at her and noticed she was looking at something. I turned around and this time, I couldn't believe my eyes.

Andrea's POV:

I saw how quickly Andrew came from within the palm forest. I was terrified, I wanted to run away, to even shout something but I was completely paralyzed.

"Piero, he was the guy that dragged me into the water!" Maria shout es d in horror. I felt my hands shake and I looked at them, they were full of sand. I turned to look at Maria and reached for her to get up, snapping out of my terror.

"Guys, stay behind me. I won't let this idiot put a hand on you guys." Piero said and took a step foward, giving me the shell.

"Well, well, well. Piero to the rescue huh? Well your little boyfriend and your big brother sure is a true hero." Andrew said as he applauded.

"I'm not affraid of you?! What do you want from us?" Piero shouted. I knew that he was scares deep inside bue he knew how to hide it.

"I don't care about you or your stupid sister. I'm here because of Andrea. She..." he pointed to me, "is the one that caused all this to happen by not following what she was told to do."

"I did nothing! I should have thought that YOU were the one behind of all this unknown messaging too. You surely can't get over me, do you?" I said, gwtting in front of Piero and Maria now.

"Wow! It took you this long to figure it out? Well, bravo!" Andrew clapped again. He stopped and just turned his head slightly and looked at us suspiciously.  Then, his hands went to the back and in less than a blink of an eye,  he had taken out a knife from behind him.


Hey guys! Wow, what just happened?! :O so, it was a bit long but worth it since I was absent  for quite a bit. Hope you guys liked it! :D VOTE, COMMENT AND SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: What do you guys think will happen? Is someone getting hurt? If so, who do you think will het hurt?

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