Un Incident Maladroit

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Ignazio's POV:

I thought Andrea was going to say something to us but she didn't. We had been waiting for her at the park to go celebrate our good performance in front of the class. The guys and I decided to head home after waiting quite some time. Later that night, I decided to go out for a walk. The night was pleasant and the weather perfect to be outside.

"No! How many times do I have to say I'm not into you anymore!" I heard a girl shout from the other side of the tall bushes I happened to be passing by.

"I said I was sorry and I really want you to forgive me for what I did to you. I want you to be my girlfriend again." A guy said. I leaned in the bushes and saw Andrea and my good friend Andrew arguing.

"Andrew! i won't be able to forgive you! Even if I accepted your apology, I won't be able to go out with you ever again! I an't trust you anymore!" Andrea shouted. In a blink of an eyeAndrew had grabbed Andrea from her arm and said "You better go out with me or else!?"

"Or else what?! And let go of me!" She tried to get away from his grip but he hold her tighter. "I'm not afraid of you. Let me go!"

"Let go of her Andrew!" I shouted as I jumped out from the bushes.

"Ignazio? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Don't change the subject. Let go of her." I repeated. He did as I said and Andrea ran behind me. "You can't force anyone to love you if you have damaged the past relationship." i said. he only rolled his eyes and said "Fine. But i'm telling you," he pointed to Andrea , "you're only mine." He turned and left.

"Omg, thank you Ignazio!" Andrea said and gave me a hug. I hugged her back and pulled her away to say "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him whenever he gets around you." Did i just said that to a girl?

"Oh Ignazio! Thank you again. I did get surprised at how he acted." Andrea said.

"His mood can change drastically, you should know that by now, of course I mean that by what you told him." I said.

"Not really. He was really sweet and nice to everyone when I wasn't around him. By the way, how come you know him?" She asked.

"Well, we ARE friends. When he first got here, he had no one to talk to, so I talked with him and became really good friends." i explained. We later, walked back to one of the entrances of the park and kepton talking.

We got to a small complex building ans she said "Well this is where I live. Thanks a lot for what you did back there for me."

"Yeah it was nothing." I placed my hands in my pockets and shrugged my shoulders. I felt like if my cheeks were red because i felt them burn and a small smirk was about to come out. A pair of small and gentle lips, like delicate rose petals touched  my left cheek.

"Night Ignazio." She said. I saw Andrea get in the building and waved goodbye to me. I walked back to my house and thought Why was I about to smirk and feel something strange whenever Andrea kissed me? Nah, it's probably that I feel like a hero for saving her from Andrew. Shee just feel appretiated towards me that's all.The rest the night, all I could think about was the incident with Andrea. Questions and answers had to be given to me.


hey guys! Long time no see! OMG so many good things had happened to me while i was absent. 1: i graduated (yay me!) 2: my crush confessed his love to me!!! and 3: i meet this awesome guy in a friends graduation party and he like IL VOLO!!! Anywhos... lol here's a litle something so yiu won't feel abandoned :) hope you liked it. Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.S: Is Ignazio starting to like Andrea? is Ignazio Andrea's crush? What's going to happen?! D:

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