Il Nuovo Tirante

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**Next morning before class**

Destiny's POV:

"So tell me who's this guy?" I asked Andrea.

"He's name is Piero. He's really shy, but has a great personality." She responded, looking around.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

'I'm not looking for anything. But look..." she pointed out something across from me, "Why is all that people gathered over there?"

"I don't know. You want to go and check it out?" I automatically knew she was going to say yes. I don't even know why I bothered to ask.

"Yeah, let's go see." Andrea closed her notebook and got up to see. We walked through a crowd of people. And once we reached to the middle, we saw a limousine pull up. The driver got off and opened the back door. Out came a handsome and sexy guy, with a black leather jacket and a plain V-neck T-shirt, some dark brown skinny jeans, and black combat boots.

"Who is he?" Andrea asked.

"I don't know, but who ever he is, he is sexy and rich." I answered. We kept on looking at this guy, now taking off his sunglasses. All of the girls started to shout something afterwards.

"What are they saying? They're too loud!" Andrea shouted through the screams of the people.

"I don't know. I think they are shouting 'Go Luca'. " I pulled Andrea out from the crowd and asked "I guess we have a celebrity in our school now."

"I don't think so. He wouldn't be coming to this school in the first place." Andrea said.

Piero's POV:

"Andrea!" I could see her book bag, so I decided to call her name from where I was. She turned and the other girl did too, but they never saw me.

"Andrea! Up here!" I shouted. She finally turned up and she smiled and waved at me. her friend, which I think it is, leaned over and said something in her ear. I only saw Andrea shrug her shoulders, and then started walking towards where I was.

"Why are you up in the tree?" Andrea asked.

"I wanted to see who came. But I knew he was going to come all late and make that huge entrance." I said, looking down at them.

"So, is your name Monkey, or what?" The girl next to Andrea asked.

"Destiny! His name is Piero. he's my friend, which happens to be the guy I was talking about." Andrea said to her.

"Oh! So your the famous Piero! Nice to meet you, my name is Destiny. I would shake your hand but you're up there." I chuckled and climbed halfway down. I found a branch big enough for me to hang from. I hung myself upside down and stretched my hand saying "Nice to meet you Destiny. You already know my name. Andrea talks about you all the time."

"Um, yeah. So you know who's that guy? The one that did that awesome entrance." Destiny asked me, refusing my handshake. I don't blame her, I felt like doing goofy stuff today.

"Yes. His name is Gianluca Ginoble he was supposed to come yesterday... he won a contest called 'Ti Lascio Una Canzone'." I replied.

"Wait! My mom used to watch that show via Youtube. Omg, he's the guy that won the whole this?" Andrea shouted.

"You know him?" Destiny asked.

"Uhhhh, no but everyone was talking about him coming here yesterday." I lied. I turned to see Andrea, looking at me strangely. "What?"

"How can you stay like that? Doesn't your head hurt from the blood flowing up to your brain?" Andrea asked.

"Nope. I'm used to doing this." I lofted myself up and jumped to the ground. "So, now you girls know what's going on." I chuckled, fixing my jeans.

"So, his name is Gianluca eh? I swear that the people were screaming 'Go Luca'." As soon as Destiny said that, I couldn't resist from laughing so hard.

"Omg! Destiny, how could you hear that?" Andrea managed to say that while she laughed so hard like I was.

"You guys are mean!" Destiny cried out. I could barely see her, since I laughed so hard, I had made myself cry.

"Oh! God, that was a good one... Where are you going?" Andrea asked her.

"Going to class. I'll see you two meanies later." She turned and left.

"Hey, you laugh so funny Piero. I never had thought or imagined you could laugh like that." Andrea said to me.

"I know. But that just got me by surprise, and that's what happens when I get surprised by something someone say." I heard the bell ring now. "Wow! Let's go to class before we get late." I grabbed my backpack and walked with Andrea to her class. I was about to tell her about my dream last night, and tell her the actual truth about me knowing Gianluca, but I just couldn't. 'What if she thought of me differently and would stop being my friend after I tell her the truth?'


hey guys! I know you'll probably wondering why I posted right now, but the truth is that I got sick and im home, bored, so I decided to post another chapter for you guys to read. Ta da! sorry if it was kind of lame, but that's how I wrote this chapter :( my apologies. Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD!!          -Bridget

P.s: So what is Piero hiding from Andrea? Since when did he know Gianluca?... ( F.Y.I I loved how I introduced him ;) lol)

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