Sabato Sera

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Piero's POV:

My dad, Francis and I got off the car to go and save our seats since it was like a reservation wedding, meanwhile, the girls went to park the car. Once they were back, my mom was the first one I saw coming and behind her, Maria and Andrea came. When my mom moved from the way, everything seemed to move in slow motion. Andrea looked so beautiful with her purple long dress, her hair up from the front and curled from the back, and her beautiful smile on. 'OH HER SMILE!' I thought. Her smile was more beautiful than the actual event. I just couldn't take my eyes off from her.

"Well she is pretty!" Francis said in my ear. I jumped and he laughed because he caught me off guard. Maria, in the other hand, was also laughing.

"You sure we're about to eat a bug by just looking at your pretty friend." Maria said

"No I wasn't! And come on! We have to go in now." I shouted. And would have to admit that I was checking Andrea out, but I would have to be less noticeable. We all entered the ballroom and got greeted by our grandparents. They led the way to our seats. We finally sat and a waiter came to offer us some drinks. Another waiter came and placed a plate of Caesar salad and some bread in front of us.

"Wow! Piero, look at the ceiling!" Andrea said. I looked up and saw a beautiful painting.

"Looks like if a cathedral was going to be built instead." We chuckled and enjoyed our salad.


Andrea's POV:

The rest of the night was full of questions from Piero's entire family. At this time of the night, the lights went down, indicating that the married couple was going to have their first dance. I leaned back in my chair to stretch a bit. My chair was right in between Francis and Piero, and in front of Maria and their parents. I looked down at my purse to check what time it was on my phone, but when I turned it on, there was message waiting to be read. It didn't show who it was because it said Unknown Number. I opened it and said:

*Hi Andrea. I hope you are having a fun time with your friend. But let me tell you something. If you have way too much fun tonight, someone very important around you with be hurt. I'm only warning you. You know what I mean and I'm closer than you think. Love, A.M & I.B*

I froze at the screen. I looked up from my lap and saw that no one had seen what I just had read. I turned both sides to double check, but nothing. I decided not to freak out, so I turned and tried to enjoy the rest of the night.

"Are you ok?" Piero asked. I semi jumped in my seat.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine. I was just stretching a bit." I responded.

He frowned, not believing me, and said "Ok. Hey do you want to go and get some fruit?" I smiled and nodded. As we were picking the fruit, I thought 'ITS JUST A JOKE.' I went back to my phone and erased the message. After that, I tried to have some fun.


Hey guys! I know this chapter is short but it's super long when I first wrote it in my tablet,so I decided to split it on two. I hope you don't mind. Thanks for understanding lol. VOTE, COMMENT, and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: who is A.M and I.B? You guys have an idea? Cuz I don't lol.. We'll maybe I do cuz I'm the writer but... Anywhos. Who do you guys think sent this message? Comment if you have a suspect!

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