Non Puo Essere

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**2:30 am**

Piero's POV:

I woke up by a sound upstairs. I noticed I wasn't in my house, but in Ginaluca's still. I had  fallen asleep in the sofa  so I sat up. I wanted to stretch my legs, but there was someone in my feet. I grabbed my glasses from the light stand and turned to find Andrea sleeping on my legs. Igently took one leg out then the other, and laid her down again, so she could be more comfortable. I walked around and found the bathroom.

When i came out, I heard the noise again. I walked to the stairway and looked up. The thump sounded again, so I walked up the stairs. In the hall to my left, everything was quiet, but to the hall to my right, I saw Ignazio standing by the window at the end of the hall.

"Ignazio?" I whispered. No response. "Ignazio, what are you doing here?" Still no response. I decided to walk towards him. As I got closer, Ignazio raised his  hand and said "Don't come closer. Go back downstairs."

I didn't know what to do. 'Should I say something or should I go back?' Instead I walked closer to him, but a force pulled me backwards. I turned to see Andrea's arm wrapped in mine.

"He's probably sleep walking. Come, leave him alone." She whispered. 

"But he answered me. I heard the noise so I came to see what it was. I really don't want for him to harm himself." i said.

"Don't do anything. Let him be. He'll go back downstairs and go to sleep again. C'mon." She pulled on my arm again, and this time I followed.

"I thought you were asleep." I said as we walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, but i felt you get up. Then I heard the noise and got up to check it out." She responded.

"Oh. Hey, where's Gianluca?" I asked. 

"He's probably in his room..brrr.. is it always this cold here at night?" She asked me.

"What? No, but I guess it's because there's tiles everywhere." I said. We got to the hangout room and got the blanket i had on top.

"Hey, you want to go outside?" I heard her say.

"Right now?" i couldn't figure out why she wanted to go by i still said yes. We walked to the kitchen, were the back door lead to the backyard. We got outside, and a light breeze blew in out faces. The yard was recently cutted out and the trees and sidewalks were beautiful, and to our left, there was a hammock.

"This is the most beautiful backyard I've ever seen!" Andrea shouted.

"It IS pretty big!"  said, still admiring the yard. "Hey, let's sit over there." I pointed to the hammock. She nodded and we headed there in silence. Once in front of the hammock, we unwrapped ourselves from the blankets and laid them on it.

"It sure is a lovely night. Look at all those stars!" Andrea aid, lloking up at the stary night above us.

"Wow! Those are a lot of stars." I said, amazed by the countless bright white dots in the dark blue sky.

"Piero, can I ask you something?" I heard her say. I turned to face the floor and thought 'What? Is this going to be the beginning of my dream? No! She's probably going to ask something else.' 

"Yeah? You can ask me anything." I said, turning to face her now and seeing her beautiful face under the moon's light.

"Well, what do you think of me?" She asked. 'Should I say what I truly think of her? No, I'll be such a fool.'

"W-why?" 'Really? I asked that?! Just think straight Piero!' 

"Well, I'm starting to have.... what are you doing?" I opened my eyes and noticed I was leaning towards her.

"Umm, I... I was going to blow on the leaf you have there, in your shoulder." i blew lightly and took a leaf that was actually in between the knots of the hammock. "Ha! See?" I showed her. 'What in the world was I thinking?!'

"Oh! Wow! I thought you were about to... nevermind." She blushed.

"Oh, no! No, no, no. I'm sorry." I said. "But you were saying something that you were starting to what?"

"Oh, yeah. Forget it. Ignore and erase what I said." She looked up and leanded back in the hammock. I looked at her eyes, sparkling, and her chest moving slowly to the beat of her breathing. She was so beautiful and looked so peacefull. I shocked my head and said "What am I thinking?!"

"What?" She asked. I noticed  I had thought out loud again.

"Oh, umm. Nothing really." I said.

"You look so... so confused lately. Are you ok?" Andrea asked me. I couldn't lie to her again, so I told her about the dream I had a couple of nights ago. She told me it was  just my fear of Ignazio, and the thought of me, trying to protect her. 

"Let's get some sleep." She last said, before we laid down the hammock and fell asleep. I really wanted to tell her what I truly felt. That i truly was falling hard for her.


hey guys! I'm back after a while! woo hoo! lol so here's a little something for you guys to read and enjoy. i'm actually listening to Il Volo in shuffle at school, since lately i have done absolutely nothing in class :D and writting this chapter for y'all! I got more inspired with their voices jiji! Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD!!! -Bridget

P.S: Piero is in love with Andrea! Omg! But what was Andrea going to say to him? Do they like each other? 

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