Lo Spaccone

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Andrew's POV:

"Hi Andrea." I got nervous when I saw her stand in front of me.

"You have this class too?" She said.

"Yeah, I didn't know what other class to take, so I got Choir." I explained.

"Oh, nice." She said and then turned to talk with Destiny. "So, you're going to sit with him?"

"Yeah, I mean, he's not going to bite or anything. C'mon, sit with us." Destiny tried to convince Andrea to stay and sit with us.

"No, I rather go sit with my new friend." She turned to face me now. "Enjoy sitting with my friend." She turned back to Destiny and said "I'll see you in the apartment."

"Andrea!" I shouted. She didn't even bother to turn around.

"Sorry bro. I tried to convince her" Destiny said to me.

Piero's POV:

"I thought you were going to sit with your friends." I never thought she was going to come back with me.

"Oh, forget her and that guy that's sitting with her right now! Anyways, why are you all the way over here?" Andrea asked.

"To be honest, I was going to follow you but then I saw you pass by him."

"By who?"

"The guy that took my money."

"The bully? Where is he? I need to talk with him seriously."

"No! I mean, no. He's going to bother you next. Just sit here, I'll show you who he is from here, ok." I pointed to the guy that was sitting next to the table where she had went to talk with her friend. I turned to see her expression, which was pretty funny.

"That guy? Well, he better have nice parents and a good health insurance cuz he is about to regret he would've never been born." I noticed she was serious about it.

"What are you going to do? Look, I'm warning you, he is not a nice guy." The rest of the class, I only stared at her, watching him on every move he was going to do, like a spy. The bell rang and I got really nervous.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I pulled her hand right before she stepped right behind him. She looked down at my hand and then up to me.

"We have to show him to never mess with anyone. C'mon, follow me."

"Um, no. You go ahead. Just be careful." I let go of her and she smiled and left. What did I just do? she's going to be eaten alive. I followed her at a good, far away distance. Then I saw his turn and see her. I guess she had called him. I hid behind a bush in the way, not that far from then and where I could listen  to everything that they said.

"Hey! Are you the guy that bullies Piero?" Andrea asked.

"And who are you to be asking me those kind of questions?" He said. He really looked angry.

"That doesn't concern you. Look, you better stay away from him and from anyone else that is getting abused by your fony actions."

"So, if I stop, what would I get in exchange?" I noticed he got closer to Andrea.

"Nothing, but if you don't stop, you'll get to know me better." He turned red, which meant he was very angry now, and in a blink of an eye, I saw his big hand on Andrea's throat. I couldn't resist seeing that so I jumped out from the bush and cried "Leave her alone!"

"Oh look! It's the crying bay. Is she your new friend? Huh?" He still had Andre grabbed from her throat.

"Look Ignazio, just let go of her and we'll handle this, ok."

"Aww! he came to rescue you! How sweet!" he told Andrea.

"Let. Go. Of. Mee!" Andrea had kicked Ignazio in his gut. He let go and she coughed and tried to get some air.

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah, don't worry. But wait, I'm not finished." She turned and walked towards him. She then kicked him in his stomach and spat at him. "And that's to show you that you should never lay a hand on a woman!" She turned and grabbed her bag from a bench. "Let's go Piero."

As we walked together, on our way home, I asked her a lot of questions like, how she got to do all those moves like a ninja. We stopped by a small house building and left her at the door.

"Bye Piero. I'll see you tomorrow." She said.

"Bye Andrea. And thanks again for doing that for me." She smiled and came down the stairs to give me a kiss in my cheek. I smiled and saw her get in. A window opened and saw there was someone waving. I waved goodbye and walked two more blocks down the street to go to my house.


hey guys! happy sunday! thanks to all of u who read my story. Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD! -Bridget

P.s: I told u guys this chapter was going to be awesome! :P ;)

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