Invito A Nozze

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*2 days later*

Andrea's POV:

Today was finally Friday. That morning, I woke up so excited because my parents were going to call for the first time. The day at school went by so fast that I didn't even noticed when I got out from Choir class. I waited outside for Destiny to come, but she was talking with Andrew. The last person I wanted to see or hear of that day; I sighed and decided to leave but I heard someone call my name.

"Hey! Can we talk?" Piero asked.

"Yeah! What's up?" i said. Piero walked with me to my house and on our way, we talked like if we hadn't seen each other for years. I noticed he had to tell me something else in the middle of the conversation. "Piero," I interrupted, "what is it that you have to tell?".

He turned to face me then he looked down at the floor. "Well, uumm... I was going to... uhh... ask you if you... um... you... you had any... you know!... um... plans for this S-s-saturday night." I noticed his cheeks turn red like cherries. i chuckled and placed my hand in his chin, making him to look up at me.

"I don't actually. And don't be shy with me! Anyways, why are you asking?" I winked at him, teasing him a bit, and his shoulders fell in relief.

"Well, you know how I am! Anyways... um, oh! I asked because I want to invite you to a wedding." Piero said.

"What?! Who's getting married?" i asked as I got my keys out my bag and opened the door to my apartment.

"One of my older cousins is getting married and she told me I could bring someone so I could have someone to talk to. You know, other than with family." He chuckled but stayed outside.

"Come on in!" i said. He stepped in and looked at all the stuff Destint and I had in the living room. "Yeah... sorry about the boxes being all over the place. We still have to buy furniture to place some stuff from the boxes."

"Oh, that's alright, don't worry. I was actually looking at the balcony. You guys sure have an amazing view of the city AND the ocean!" Once he said that, I laughed and placed my stiff in the counter.

"You want something to drink?" I asked. He said water so I brought him a cold bottle of water. He sat where Destiny's favorite pillow was while I moved some picture frames from the other couch. I sat down and said "So, like at what time is the wedding starting?"

"Well, my mom doesn't want to go the church ceremony so that means later in the evening. The party is in a fancy salon close by here, so I can just pass by and pick you up." Piero said.

"Ok! I'm in. Um, but, do I have to wear something fancy or just casual clothes?" I asked.

"I guess fancy because I have to wear a suit and tie." He smiled and then laughed as his shoulders went up saying 'I don't know'. I later heard the door open.

"Yeah! She's probably here because our parent are going to call us and she's been pretty excited about... Andrea! See she's... Piero?" Destiny shouted. Apparently she had invited some people over but I couldn't see who it was.

"Hey Nerdy Pants! What are you doing here? Look Gian, I found him!" Ignazio said as Destiny appeared in the hall and Ignazio followed, dragging poor Gianluca in.

"Oh, hey guys!" Piero said.

"Soo... What's going on?"  destiny said. I raised my eyebrow, knowing what she really meant with that comment. "Just chillin. Actually, now I have something to do this weekend." I said.

"Did you ask ker?" Gianluca asked Piero. I turned to see Piero, but he nodded to him. Ignazio came from behind and tugged Piero's upper arm, like if he was teasing him.

"So tell me Piero. Where are YOU taking my best friend to?" Destiny asked. Piero explained everything, while I got up to get some drinks for the guys.

A couple of minutes later, while talking in the living room, the phone rang. Destiny got up from the floor and answered. She came back to the little circle we had made in the floor, and handed me the phone. "Ciao? Mom! Dad! Erica! Omg, how are you guys?!" I had forgetten that my parents were going to call!


After finishing up with the call, I asked Piero "So this wedding is tomorrow basically, right?"

"Yeah, i'll text you once I'm on my way." He said while he stood up. "By the way, thanks for the chat you guys. Now I have to go."

"Why so early?" Ignazio asked.

"Well I have to wake up early to be a chouffer for my mom and my sister. They want to go shopping for the party tomorrow." Piero said with an annoyed tone.

"Aww! Poor you." I said as I got up, "I'll walk you outside."

Once outside, I asked " Are you sure you want to walk home?" I knew he prefered walking, but I still asked.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll walk fast, you know what? I'll text you once I get home, ok?" He said, knowing I was starting to get worried. I nodded and hugged him goodbye. I saw him walk in the distance and I thought 'I wish I could tell you'.


hey guys!! i know it's late but I just can't sleep because i'm so bored. and when i get bored, i get cranky soo i decided to update another chapter! I hope you guys liked once again! Vote, comment, and SPREAD THE WORD!! -Bridget

P.s: BOOM! haha yes I wrote that at the end! I LOOVEE IT! lol, so what just happened, idk just like you ;) let's find what Andrea has to say in the next couple of chapters, together! :)

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