Un Nuovo Amico

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Andrea's POV:

"What are you doing here?" I said. I still couldn't believe my eyes.

"I moved here with my parents. My mom got a raise in her job and took this big job opportunity. What are YOU doing here?" He said.

"That's non of your business." I answered.

"Andrea! Don't be rude. Anyways it was my fault for bringing him here and say hi." Destiny said.

"Oh, well then, Hi and Bye!" I turned and left Destiny and him behind too. 'Why in the world did I get to find my ex here? What was Destiny thinking off? I thought I was never going to see him again, but why in the world did I have to see Andrew here and not like, somewhere else?'

As I walked and thought, I heard a scream coming from the other side of the park I was passing by.

"Aw! What's wrong little nerd? You need you're glasses back? Do you, do you? Well, go fetch them!" A big, tough guy with dark brown hair, threw a pair of red glasses In the air. "Now. Are going to give me the money you owe me since last school year, or not?" He bent down and I saw another guy but in the floor. His pants were now covered with dirt and his lip was bleeding.

"Y-y-yes. I h-have it. It's in m-my backpack." The poor guy managed to say. The bully's friend grabbed a backpack from the floor and took everything out until he found the money.

"thank you. I hope you bring more tomorrow nerdy pants, because I need it for lunch." He and the other guy laughed and left. I ran to the guy on the floor, picked up the glasses and gave them to him.

"Are you ok? Um, I believe these are yours. I-I saw what happened." I said as I bent down.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you, and you saw everything?" He didn't look up to me, he only cleaned his glasses.

"Oh. You want to tell a teacher about this?" I asked.

"No. They would do worst things to me."  He said as he got up and cleaned his pants from the dirt.

'Um, ok. Here, let me help you pick your books up." I offered. I got some notebooks and books up, then handled them to him. He grabbed them and stuffed them in his backpack.

"Grazie." he finally looked up at me.

"Oh my, You lip is bleeding bad. Come with me, let's get some tissues and clean you up." I said. He didn't say much, only followed me. I took him to a drinking fountain and grabbed some paper from the restroom that was close. I got it wet and placed it gently in his lip.

"Ouch!" he said as soon as I pressed his lip a little bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Um, sit over there." I said.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked as he sat down.

"Well, it's not cool seeing someone getting bullied and just leave them there like if nothing happened." I replied as  I kept on cleaning the blood off his lip.

"Oh. Well grazie once again. Ouch!" He said.

"It's going to burn for a while" I said.

"I know. By the way, what's your name? You don't look from around here." The guy said.

"Yeah, My name is Andrea. I'm actually from New York. I was offered a scholarship and I accepted it."

"Wow! I wish I could go and visit new York. Nice to meet you Andrea, my name is Piero. Piero Barone. You must be pretty smart to get a scholarship."

"Well, nice to meet you Piero. I don't consider myself as smart. I barely do work, maybe I just got lucky." I giggled, because I knew it was sort of the truth.

"You laugh funny. Umm, would you accept having dinner with me? I know this really good place and it's not that far from here so we wouldn't be late to the last class of the day. Oh! But I don't have any cash on me right now." Piero said.

I smiled and nodded in agreement. I finished curing his lip, and then we headed to this little pizza restaurant across the street. He just told me it was the greatest place to eat, then he said nothing else on the way there. I had this good feeling about him.


hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. So let me know if you liked this chapter by Voting, commenting, and SPREADING THE WORD! -Bridget :)

p.s: Andrea and Piero went to a pizza place, but since she isn't from Italy, pizza places look different to her. Eventually she paid, and Piero thanked her. the next chapter would be good, I promise!! ;)

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