"welcome to the burrow"

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Thirteen years. Thirteen miserable, loathsome, uneventful years. Thirteen years of her being trapped in a dingy, isolated and unlit basement, alone.

This was a story of an orphan girl with no one to love her. No one. Days on end she would sit in her "room" alone with her own mind. You would think that after all these years, the girl would unaffected by the dark, yet she was terrified because when one is in the dark, there is no light.

The orphan's name was Nadia. It's funny,"Nadia" means "hope" yet the young girl had such little hope. Who would after all she had been through?

Nadia started to look around her surroundings of what she called home. She had a bed made of metal and a top sat a lumpy, old mattress that did nothing but keep her up at night. There was a small book shelf with books that her captors had provided her with over the last thirteen years. She had a small vanity on the far wall of her "room". It was smashed but she could still she somewhat of her reflection depending on how much light that would seep through the one window in her "room". It was a tiny window at that.

Nadia knew very little of herself, but the vanity helped a little bit. She knew that she had hazel eyes and beautiful red hair that nicely shaped her face. She also had cute freckles that adorned her face.

Another thing she had was a bronze locket that sat just under her collarbones. Inside the locket was a picture—a moving one. It features three people: a young man, a young woman and finally a young infant with fiery red hair being held but the two in the centre. They were all smiling and giggling. They looked like the perfect family, something Nadia always wished for.

Nadia liked to think that was her and her parents. Her being the infant of course. Nadia looked identical to the infant in the picture wrapped in a pink blanket and was practically a carbon copy of the woman. If these mysterious adults were her parents, she would have inherited a lot of their features such as her father's freckles and eyes and her mother's hair.

Nadia also had her mother's pale skin, but a contributing factor may have been that she hadn't left this basement cellar in over a decade that had little to no sunlight.

Suddenly, one-night Nadia heard strange noises coming outside the wretched door that held her captive every day. She heard two male voices, a low gruff one and a gentler one. She had never heard these voices before, in fact she had only really heard three or four voices in her time of captivity. Her own and "The Vultures." That was what she called her captors because they swoop in and take everything you love from you without any guilt in the world.

So, Nadia having read one too many novels her first thought was to grab hold of a weapon. She looked around frantically and finally found her hairbrush. It probably wouldn't serve much use, but it was the first thing she was able to grab on to in a hassle.

She then quickly hid under her poor excuse of a bed to hide then after a few seconds she heard a creek of the rusty old door with footsteps following.

"She's not here, Moody." One whisper yells —it was the male with the gentler voice. She felt as though she could trust him so recklessly, she left her hiding place to reveal herself.

"No sir, I'm here." Nadia croaked out catching the two men's attention. They both turned around almost in sync.

"Nadia..." the gentler voice said nostalgically. "You've grown up so much."

"Excuse me sir, who are you?" the young girl questioned deeply confused.

"I'm Remus Lupin--"

"No time for the niceties, if you want to get out of here I'd suggest you come with us." The other man said interrupting Remus.

Nadia turned to Remus, looking in his eyes. It seemed as though he had a good intent, she analyses the costs and benefits then comes to the conclusion any place is better than here.

"You can trust us Nadia." Remus says softly reached out his hand for me to grab a hold of. A pregnant pause washes over the three before Nadia nodded her head uncertainly. She grabbed a hold of his hand.

"We are going to apparate now, do NOT let go, okay?" Remus said emphasing the word 'NOT'. Before Nadia could responded or even react she felt as though she was been sucked though a tube but as she opened her eyes, she was amazed.

A large homey house sat in vast meadows came into her view. For the first time she felt warm. She looked up and saw the sun beaming down on her.

She turned and saw Remus and the mysterious man standing there waiting.

"Now, Alastor Moody, Auror." Moody grunted shaking Nadia's hand firmly.

"Nadia...um what's my last name?" she replied now getting caught up in the millions of questions she had been storing in her mind. Remus then approached her, it was the first time she had seen him properly. He had light brown hair and glistening blue eyes but also had scars all over his face. She couldn't help but wonder what he had been through.

He knelt down to her height and placed his hands on her arms gently. "Listen, I know you have a lot of questions but, all will answered in due time. It's been a long day. Do you think you can wait until morning?"

"I mean, I've been waiting thirteen years so what's another day. But, I want answers!" Nadia agreed.

"Thank you, now welcome to the Burrow." Remus pointed to the house, Nadia had caught a glance on before.

This was the start to her new life...


Thank you for reading the first chapter of my book. I just want to start off by saying I am a full time student so I won't be updating everyday. So far I don't know what my updating schedule is going to be but I will aim to provide quality chapters for you guys. 

Secondly, this is my first story on wattpad and by all means I do not expect this to blow up or to even get more than 5 reads but I enjoy writing and LOVE Harry Potter!  

Next, I love constructive criticism as long as it has good intent. I have always been quite wary of who I let read my stories so publishing this is definitely out of my comfort zone.

I don't have a clear idea on how I want Nadia's storyline to pan out so feel free to leave suggestions. I will also always put trigger warnings before a chapter too!

I think that's all and I hope you enjoy xx

I think that's all and I hope you enjoy xx

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