"...and you know i'll fight."

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Sirius jerked his arm and punched Lucius with ferocity knocking Lucius to the ground. Lucius let out a groan of pain from the harsh impact.

During so, flashes and arrays of white smoke appeared signally the Order's arrival. One by one appeared emerging from their cloud of white smoke. Each were able to help free all of the teenagers from their captor's grip.

Nadia swung her elbow back to hit Greyback's nose causing him to let go and grab his nose. Nadia took this opportunity and ran. She spotted her and Dad and sprinted.

Nadia sent a jinx over her shoulder while running to Remus and Remus followed with a quick stunning charm.

"Dad!" Nadia hugged Remus tightly drowning out all of the noise. For a moment, for just a brief moment they was no Voldemort, no fights. It was just her and her father. She closed her eyes and imagined that it was just her and him.

In a perfect world where they lived on the edge of a majestic forest where it was always peaceful. No fighting, no battles, no loud noises...nothing. Just pure bliss, but in times like now, bliss is hard to come by. Some with a heavy heart she opened her eyes and returned to the harsh reality that consisted of fights, upcoming wars and evil wizards.

People might argue that it could be called an 'adventure' but it was no adventure nor venturing. It simply felt like they were walking towards their inventible demise despite the feeble attempts they may contribute in each and every battle.

Remus released Nadia and cupped her cheeks in the palm of his warm hands. He kissed her forehead and whispered, "You've done so well, Naddy." Nadia gave a weak smile. Her right hand clutches her left shoulder that was throbbing in pain. Remus was quick to notice his daughter's discomfort before drawing his wand and chanting, "Episkey,"

Nadia bit her lip withholding yelps of pain. She let out a mere whimper as she felt the joint return to its respectful place. Her shoulder movement was limited but luckily, she was right-dominant.

"That'll have to do, now listen to me, Nadia." Remus instructed, "Take the other's and get out of here,"

"No way! I'm staying!" Nadia objected, "When you start something you finish it." Remus sighed, before he could object or say anything else Nadia jumped back into the scene wand in hand.

"NADIA BELLE, GET BACK HERE!" The terrified cries of Remus Lupin were quiet and slightly muted in Nadia's mind as she kept her focus.

Two death eaters: Greyback and Bellatrix were already on her trail sending vicious curses at the red head. She sent every offensive spell she could rack from her brain.

"Reducto! Stupefy! Stupefy! Confringo!"

Soon, Nadia, Harry, Remus and Sirius were fighting side by side together. Nadia held her own casting and deflecting curses skilfully as if it was a dance: a very dangerous dance.

Harry soon disarmed Lucius, which grabbed Sirius's attention.

"Nice one, James!" Sirius laughed pridefully. His eyes were full of glee.

His laughter was childish and free despite his adult years. His laughter was often contagious an brought much needed serenity to people: in that moment, Sirius had never felt more alive. His laughter brought a smirk to Nadia's face. The sound of his laughter had always uplifted her spirits, only those with a rocky heart or wretched pasts could do something like that and bring such mirth in dreaded times.

But the laughter had ceased as quickly as if came. Smiles faded, hearts dropped, and breaths hitched when two, unforgivable words were spoken by Bellatrix Lestrange:
Nadia saw a jet of green that illuminated itself in Sirius's chest upon impact.

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