"you need to stop breaking curfew"

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The day of the first task arrived quickly. Too quickly in Nadia's opinion. 

She began to pace around the large tent that was set up near the Quidditch field. Delighted and excited cheers could be heard from the crowd.

Nadia wore a jumper that had 'NADSTER' imprinted on the back, courtesy of the Weasley twins. For cautionary reasons, she opted to wear the thickness, most protective gloves she could find and wore the comfiest joggers she owned. 

Her hair was in two french braids that pulled her hair in a tight, sleek low pony. Nadia approached Harry when the two heard a noise coming from outside the tent. 

"Psstt." Hermione was standing worriedly outside the tent door. Valerie was beside her too.

"Harry, Nadia, is that you?" Valerie asked whispering through the thin material. 

"Val?" Nadia whispered.

"How are you feeling?" Hermione whispered back. "The key is focus. All you have to do-"

"Is fight a dragon, real easy. Thanks for the tip Hermione." Nadia huffed. Hermione soon could no longer fight the urge and jumped through the tent door flap.

"HERMIONE!" Valerie called. She knew they were going to get caught. Hermione embraced Harry and Nadia tightly. Valerie soon gave Nadia a quick hug: she wasn't the biggest hugger but in times like this she was. 

The four had each other's best friends as a blinding flash of white light blinded their visions. Rita Skeeter. 

"Young love and friendship. Oh how stirring!" She glanced intensely at Harry and Hermione indicating how she thought they were in a relationship. Nadia scoffed at such an idea. "If everything goes unfortunate today you might make the front page."

"You have no business here." Victor interrupted in his thick accent. "This tent is for champions and friends."

"And no one likes you Skeeter." Nadia smiled. Rita glared at Nadia with hatred but soon brought a forced smile to her face.

"No matter." she said through gritted teeth. "We have everything we need." Rita and the camera man made their way out of the tent just as Dumbledore and Crouch entered.

"Good day champions. Gather round please. Now you've waited and wondered. Now it is time- what are you doing here Miss Granger? Miss Huxley?" Dumbledore's attention diverted to the two girls who had yet to leave. 

"Oh, sorry professor." Valerie smiled idly.

"We'll just go..." Hermione spluttered out as her and Valerie made their way out of the tent. Dumbledore turned to Barty Crouch Senior and the other school headmasters. Barty pulled out a small bag and held it out for all in the bunch to see. 

"Miss Delacour, if you will?" he gestured for her to reach her hand into the bag. She wearily did so and flinched when she came into contact with what was inside. She pulled her hand out with a green dragon resting in the palm of her hand.

"The Welsh Green." Barty told nodding his head. "Mr Krum."

Victor pulled out one next, "The Chinese fireball ooo." hummed Barty Crouch.

Cedric reached in and pulled out the Swedish Shoutsnout. This left Nadia and Harry with two possible options and neither of them did they like. Harry stepped forward a put his hand in and winced. He pulled out the Hungarian Horntail. 

Nadia knew what was left. She apprehensively put her hand into the small bag. She withdrew her hand and revealed the last dragon in her hand. 

The Ukrainian Ironbelly. 

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