"you do realise voldemort was a halfblood too?"

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The teenagers arrived at the Department of Ministries via Threstals and brooms. The thrill of gliding gracefully through the wind on a Threstal gave Nadia much thrill but it was soon replaced with fear as soon as her feet hit the ground.

Her and Harry were on the frontlines as the rest trailed behind them. They walked through the many halls of the Department of Mysteries before soon finding shelves after shelves holding crystal balls, each with a dull and gloomy blue tint to it.

It was almost impossible to tell how many prophetic balls there were. Hundreds...thousands?

Echoes of staggered footsteps could be heard as the teenager's feet hit the cold marble floors. They inched inside, awaiting a swarm of death eaters to attack them but instead they were met with nothing. Not a sigh of Voldemort or Death Eater...or Sirius.

"Ninety-two, ninety-three—" Harry began to count. He took the lead as he raced down the aisles. "He should be here!" Harry stressed as he came to a halt.

"Harry," Neville mumbled, he walked towards one particular prophecy that his eyes were fixed on, "It's got your name on it."
Harry walked towards the blue misty orb, the cold glass chilled him when it touched his skin.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thriced defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord does not...and either must die at the hand of the other neither can live while the other survives..."

Valerie then called out, "Nadia, this has your name on it." Valerie passed Nadia the orb and listened,

"The Lost one with ginger hair,

Will have powers beyond compare,

For when the Dark Lord rises,

Her powers will help win the war,

With the greyed eye boy, him and her will make a perfect pair,

With her cousin by her side,

Both brandished with a scar,

There is no denying one must die,

For neither can live while the Dark Lord survives"

Nadia gulped with imminent fear. A chilling shiver crept up her spine. Harry also in fear took Nadia's hand.

"Harry Potter! Miss Nadia Evans..." A Death Eater approached with the signature death eater mask that shielded their identity. The voice of the death eater was familiar alas. It brought back memories of dusty cellars, empty stomachs and broken bones.

"Where is Sirius?" Harry demanded hiding the fear that laced his voice.

"You know, you should really learn to tell the difference between dreams," the mask was removed to reveal Lucius Malfoy, "and reality. You only saw what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now, hand me the prophecy or prophecies I should say."

"I'll smash it, don't do anything!" Nadia yelled gripping her orb tightly in her palm as for her other hand. Her other hand held her poised wand shakily.

A manic and raucous laughter echoed throughout the cold corridors, "She knows how to play! Itty bitty baby...Evans."

Nadia's face paled even more when she saw the face of Draco's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. Her hair was black, and her long untamed curls were knotted badly. She had a bony figure seeing she was in Azkaban all those years. Her eyes were dull and full of malice. With one glance you could see there were no good intentions in her eyes.

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