"...one of a kind"

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"What's all the cheering about?" A voice spoke a voice. Remus Lupin walked into the living room rolling a trunk with wheels carefully, squeaks lingering through the Burrow.

"Nadster, got her Hogwarts Letter!" the twins at the same time with cheesy grins painted on their faces.

"Well congratulations, Naddy—"

"Naddy?" Nadia cut off Remus, she had never been called that before: she liked it.

"Your mother used to call you that." Remus answered, everyone else in the room started to exit the room giving the two some space.

"How well did you know my mother?" she asked, looking into Remus's eyes. They were just like hers—blue. But not just any blue, the blue you see in the mid-winter sky. She shrugged it off, it's not like she is the only person in the world with blue eyes.

His previously bright and vibrant eyes turned sad, "We were very close." His eyes were misty. One glance at those eyes, anyone could see that they told a life time of untold stories.

There was an elongated pause, the silence was broken by Remus. He cleared his throat, "Any way, I brought you some supplies you'll need for school, you'll still need to go to Diagon Alley for some things through. Uhm... I also have this, it is the key to your vault at Gringotts." He held up a small key, "It unlocks the fortune that your mother left you, so......"

"Uhm...thank you?" Nadia thanked. It was official. This was one of the weirdest encounters she ever had.


Hermione, Ginny and Nadia sat in their rooms together. Ginny was reading a Quidditch magazine and Hermione was helping Nadia with studying.

"Okay, last question. What is the incantation for the Bat-Bogey Hex?" Hermione quizzes looking back up from her flashcards.

"Volamucus." Nadia replied confidently. Hermione had been helping her catch up to speed with the fourth-year curriculum.

"YES! Good job, Nadia! That's enough studying for tonight?" Hermione exclaimed excitedly.

"Thanks Hermione, uhm can I ask you guys something?" Nadia slowly spoke.

"Of course, what is it?" Ginny said putting down her magazine.

"Well, you guys all seem so close, is there anything I need to know?"
The two girls laughed, "The first thing you must know is that Harry is a walking safety hazard." Hermione said, "There has not been a year since I came to Hogwarts that has been peaceful."

"Dare I ask how?" Nadia inquired intrigued with such a statement.

"Well first year, Ron, Harry and I had to go through a series of challenges in which Harry eventually kills a teacher who wore a turban to hide the fact he was carrying the Dark Lord at the back of his head." Hermione starts off.

"Second year, I was taken by the teenage version of the Dark Lord, Tom Riddle and Harry almost died after being stabbed with a Basilik fang." Ginny joined in.

"I got petrified too!" Hermione added, "Exams were even cancelled!!"

"Isn't that a good thing?" Nadia asks.

"No! Anyway, last year dementors were around twenty-four seven—"

"What are dementors?" Nadia questioned.

"They fuel on human happiness and can even consume a human's soul!" Hermione said.

"Let's just hope for a normal, quiet year." Ginny adds as she pulls the blankets on her bed over her shoulders. Hermione nodded in agreement before also getting into bed. Nadia was shocked at all that had happened in such a short time. She didn't know which was worse, being locked away for her whole life or going through what they went through?!

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