"you'll thrive in..."

110 4 7

TW: minor swearing?

Nadia knocked on Ron's room in which Harry was staying in. There was multiple thud noises and the faint muttering of Ron saying, "bloody hell," like a mantra. 

"COME IN!!" Harry eventually yells through the thin walls of the Burrow. Nadia makes her way in and is faced with pure disaster. The room was a mess. 

"Boys, Molly is going to kill you." Nadia chuckled.

"No, Mum is going to kill me. She wouldn't kill Harry." Ron corrects. Nadia laughs lightly and walks further into the room. She starts to pick up the dismissed t-shirts and text-books lying on the ground.

"Thanks Nadia," Harry and Ron sighed as they joined in. Nadia continued to fold t-shirts and place books in trunks until she says-

"I am happy to help you guys but I will not fold your sticky socks that came from your smelly ass  feet." 


When the kids arrive at Kings Cross Station, they filed on in single file lugging heavy trunks. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Nadia found a compartment and sat down.

Soon the Hogwarts Express started and the journey began. The train rode through piles of mountains and vast valleys. The sun was almost at its peak and it's yellow and orange hues shone in the beautiful blue sky. 

"Anything from the trolley? Anything from the trolley?" an elderly woman's voice sang. The woman's voice made Nadia escape from her bored gaze out the window. 

"Anything from the trolley, dears?"

"Packet of Drewballs and a Licorice wand." Ron replied, digging through his pockets seeking money but to be displeased the lacking amount of coins. "One second thought, just the drewballs."
"I'll get it," Harry offered. Ron shook his head.

"Just the drewballs."

Ron returned to his seat, as Harry walked up to the trolley lady Cho Chang came towards her too. "Two pumpkin pasties please."
The two made eye contact and was quickly broken when the trolley lady handed Cho her treats. Cho thanked her, smiled back at Harry and walked away with her friends. 

"Anything sweet for you dear?" the trolley lady asked Harry and Nadia.

"No thank you." Harry and Nadia both said as the trolley lady smiled kindly before walking to the next compartment. Harry leaned his head against the sliding door as Hermione started to talk. 

"It's terrible isn't it? What's been happening in the Ministry? How can they have no knowledge of who conjured the spell?"

"I guess the system is quite corrupt." Nadia responded, "they must be some quite of security though?" 

"Plenty. Dad said everyone's worried about the fact it happened right under their noses." Ron informed with a mouth full as always. 

"Do you really think Voldemort is back? If the death eaters and Dark Lord can infiltrate the Ministry, God knows what else they can do." Nadia whispered in a hushed and low tone of voice. 

Harry sighed and out of no where started to rub his forehead in pain. His eyes winced abit. Nadia soon started to feel a burning sensation on her index finger. She hissed in pain and this drew the immediate attention of the three. They were used to this happening to Harry but they didn't know it happened to Nadia.

"Nadia, do you by any chance have a scar on your hand?" Hermione whispered leaning over to her in concern.

"Yeah, a small one. Why?" She said showing them her index finger that had a small heart shaped scar. 

"Does it often hurt?" Hermione continued to question. 

"Not often, usually when Harry's scar hurts. Tad odd isn't it" Nadia said clueless.

"And you didn't think to tell us earlier?" Harry questioned in shock. 

"It didn't come up!" Nadia said defensively. Harry sighed.

"You know Sirius will want to hear about this. What happened at the cup and what you two have been dreaming about." Hermione told them.

"I need some air." Harry walked out of the compartment.

"Oops?" Nadia offered shrugging her shoulders.


It was finalized that Nadia was going to be sorted with the first years. She kinda blended in with her short figure and big beady eyes. 

"Miss Nadia Evans." Professor McGonagall announced holding a sizable scroll that marked all of the newest students and attendees names.

Whispers penetrated the silence of the Great Hall when they heard Nadia's name. Nadia was gestured to sit on a stoll facing the Great Hall. She could see everything and everyone one could see her. It felt a bit unsettling. 

The twins were soon to noticed her nervousness so they began to cheer, "LEZ GO NADSTER!!"

Nadia blushed as the Great Hall laughed at the twins drawing their attention away from her. The focus was eventually back on her but she felt a tad more comfortable knowing her friends were in the crowd. 

The ceremonial sorting hat was placed on Nadia's head, "Ahhh, another Evans to walk these halls. You possess all four qualities of each house. Your cunning, resourceful, very inventive. You have a bit of a smart mouth though: you speak your mind, I like that but where to put you?" 

The hat continued to stall until it finally announced what the hall had been waiting for.

"I know! You'll thrive in... SLYTHERIN!!"

The table that was covered in green, cheered. Nadia began to be concerned. She looked back at her friends at the Gryffindor table. She longed to join them and be with them. She didn't know anyone in Slytherin. She began to walk over the green table when she made eye contact with the oh so familiar stormy grey eyes. 

Draco Malfoy... Shit...


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