"your telling me your entering your name in the trials of death?"

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The potions classroom was nothing but gloomy. It was nothing like the other classrooms that were brightly illuminated by dozens of candles and decorative curtains. But, the potion's classroom was depressing. The only source of light was the mere few candles in the centre of the room. 

But what would you expect, the classroom was located in the dark dungeons of Hogwarts. Hufflepuffs and Slytherins sat in the potions classroom.

Nadia sat at the front of the classroom towards the left. Beside her was Pansy and Valerie. Daphne could be found sitting with Millicent, whom Nadia met at breakfast.

Nadia looked over. The classroom was definitely "aesthetically" pleasing but it was clearly well equipped with any and all potion ingredients and supplied. Nadia liked that at least. 

"Settle down now." a cold, brooding voice announced. "I see an awful amount of familiar faces from the following years. One can only hope that you have become more self reliant and learnt some productivity over these holidays." 

The professor had a significantly long and large nose that was prominent in the middle of his face. The professor laid  his dark eyes on Nadia. His sneered expression and mean persona fell instantly upon first glance.

"Lily..?" he gasped, barely audible. His eyes began to look somewhat beady and...sad?

"I'm sorry, professor?" Nadia questioned confused. The professor ignored her question and turned to seat at his desk. His charcoal cape swept elegantly after him during these swift movements.

"For those who are new or simply have the memory of a goldfish, My name is Professor Snape and I am the head of Slytherin house. In my class you will either waste my time or learn a great deal. I suggest the latter but I have yet to encounter such except a mere few." the man continued now no longer making eye contact with Nadia.

"Now, open your textbooks and on page thirteen you will see an outline for a simple potion. You have forty minutes."

Valerie raises her hand, "But professor, this is a fifth year potion. We have yet to learn about Draught of Peace, besides it can take up to five hours to make!" 

"I suppose you better get started then, Miss Huxley."

Nadia flipped to page thirteen and began to read. Everyone else had ignored the theory side and skipped to the practical failing to notice potential important information. 

1.75 L of water
30 g of powdered moonstone2
6 porcupine quills2
15 mL of black hellebore syrup1
15 g of unicorn horn1
1 ginger root1
2 sprigs of valerian2
3 mint leaves3
30 mL of Flobberworm mucus3

Nadia began to get started after quickly skimming the section of calming and stress relieving potions. 

She did everything necessary: she added the correct amount of everything, measuring to the precise amount. She knew very little about the practical side of potions seeing the Burrow was not equipped with the supplies to do experiments but this only fascinated her more. 

She turned around to see some other people begin to show signs of nausea. They clearly failed to read the part where it said: "Stir thrice clockwise. Pay very close attention to your cauldron, and do your best to not be splashed by the liquid during this step - but if you do get splashed, please let me know immediately. It will likely not show any immediate reactions, but those who get splashed at this point in the brewing process often show signs of nausea, dizziness, and fever." 

"Professor Snape, Goyle and I aren't feeling too well." Crabbe complained as he and his mate held their stomach in discomfort. Snape slowly made his way to the two boys. He peered over the cauldron and then without a second look at them, he directed them to the Hospital Wing making them Madam Pomfrey's problem.

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