"to the end?"

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 Cedric lied there, eyes utterly still, eyes open looking as though he was looking towards the heavens. His once bright grey eyes were now lifeless with exploded pupils. Cedric's complexion was grey, dull and cold to the touch as if all the warmth in his blood simply vanished.

The cries of Nadia and Harry echoed loudly through the abandoned graveyard. It was the kind of scream that bypassed straight from the heart.

"Cedric..." Nadia rasped. Wormtail, the man from their dreams began to use magic to trap the them in two separate statue headstones. Nadia tries to break through the arms of the statue that restrained her, but the arms of the statue only gripped tighter.

Nadia's wand sat next to Cedric's lifeless body, leaving her no was to escape.

"DO IT NOW!" shrilled the voice of Voldemort. Wormtail travelled to the cauldron and gently placed 'baby' Voldemort down beside it. Wormtail picked up some bones and threw them into the cauldron.

"Bones of father unwillingly given," recited Wormtail. "Flesh of servant willingly sacrificed," Wormtail brought a knife to his arm and whimpered in pain as he slashed his arm.

"Blood of enemies...forcibly taken." Wormtail scrambled over to Harry and placed the knife to his forearm. Harry tried to escape but was only put into tighter restraint. Harry screamed in pain from the knife's impact through his skin.

Wormtail then approached Nadia with a devilish grin and took her forearm as well doing the exact same thing. She squirmed in her restraints and screamed in pain as he drew her blood. He returned to his cauldron and put their blood in the cauldron letting everything mix together.

"The Dark Lord shall rise again."

The cauldron burst in fiery red flames and a figure begins to emerge from the cauldron.

"Harry," Nadia managed to say in fear, "it's him."

The potion finally formed Voldemort. He stepped out of the smoke that concealed him and let out a cackle. He walked over to Wormtail before saying, "my wand, Wormtail."

He held out his hand as Wormtail shakily placed the Dark Lord's wand in his hand. Holding his ivory, bone-like wand he held out his arm again and said, "hold out your arm."

Wormtail gave a look appreciation, "Master, thank you master." As he placed his stump towards Voldemort's.

"The other arm." hissed Voldemort. Wormtail's face noticeable dropped but continued to obey and give him his other arm. Voldemort put the tip of his wand on Wormtail's forearm and the faded Dark Mark on Wormtail's skin became more pigmented. The Dark Mark formed in the sky just like the Quidditch World Cup.

The sky became dark, Harry had his eyes plastered on Voldemort's followers land one by one behind their master. But Nadia stared at the lifeless Cedric with tears running down her face like heavy rain.

"Welcome my friends. Thirty years it's been, and yet you stand before me as though it was only yesterday." Voldemort smiled maliciously. "I confess myself disappointed, not one of you tried to find me."

The Dark Lord angrily began to slash at the hooded figures revealing their faces that they hid behind a mask. He brought them all to their knees before coming to a pause at the last figure.

"Not even you, Lucius."

"My lord. Had I detected any sign or even a whisper of your whereabouts-"

It was Draco's father. Her Draco.

"There were signs my friend, and more than whispers."

"I assure you I ever renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence, that was my true mask."

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