"did draco malfoy just emote?"

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"You need to stop breaking curfew, Evans."

Nadia turns her head and sees the familiar silhouette of Draco Malfoy.

"I could say the same for you, Malfoy." Nadia mumbled grudgingly. She began to hear Draco's footsteps approach closer. He knelt and sat next to Nadia. He dangled his legs over the edge like Nadia and sighed.

"Do you remember--?"

Nadia interrupted knowing full well what the question was going to be, "You? Yes. I remember you finding me that day."

"I wanted to help, really. But I was young and naïve. Afterall, I didn't know my parents were hiding a girl in our basement."

"It's done now, Malfoy. I escaped and I never want to go back." Nadia sighed watching the horizons. Draco followed Nadia's gaze and joined in watching the horizons.

There was one thought and question that Draco has been urging to ask, yet he felt it might hit a soft spot. He needed to know, "What did my parents do...?"

"It doesn't concern you, Malfoy. Like I said, it's done."

"It does concern seeing you were held captive in my basement for thirteen years." Nadia inhaled heavily and thought deeply about how to word her next few sentences without tears falling.

"I'm only saying this once, Malfoy." Draco nodded. "Your father and some of his friends seemed to enjoy practicing their curses on me."

A wave of guilt washed over the blonde boy, "How did you get out?"

"Funny story actually. A dragon broke through the cellar walls and I rode on the dragon to safety." Nadia lied flawlessly, now looking at Draco.

"Really?" Draco seemed so invested in her story.

"No, you idiot. I don't know some strange people came, told me I was safe and took me to the Burrow. Not much to it." Nadia shrugged, recalling the day as Draco scoffed.

"Talking about dragons, good job today." Draco congratulated sincerely without his usual sneer. Nadia put her hand to her heart and gasped dramatically. Draco gave a look of deep confusion.

"Did Draco Malfoy just emote?" she smiled and laughed. The boy rolled his eyes, "thanks, Malfoy. Now if you don't mind, I have a question for you."

"Fair is fair, Evans."

"Why are you such a dick to everyone but when it's just you and I you're nice?"

"I guess I was just raised that way. To be prejudice against everyone. It truly is exhausting but mother and father would disapprove if I had allies outside of their expectations. I don't hate Harry you know, it's just an act. Yeah, he's annoying but I don't hate him. But my parents do."

"Well, wouldn't your parents hate me, they did hold me captive for thirteen years?"

"That's a conversation for another time, Evans. May I escort you back to the common rooms Miss Evans?" Nadia smirked before swinging her legs over the edge.
"Look at that! You are emoting again and yes, it would be my honour Mr Malfoy." Nadia said in her poshest accent with a smile.

"Please, Draco. I loathe Mr Malfoy." Nadia's face fell in curiosity, "It's my fathers name. I don't think much of that man." Draco replied. It was silent for a while before Nadia broke it.

"Well, what are you waiting for Draco? Let's go." Nadia teased.

"Oh yes." The two began to slowly walk back to the Slytherin common rooms. They entered and Nadia turned to face Draco.

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