"she needs to stop storming out of classes"

45 3 10

TW: swearing

"We wish to welcome our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore introduced at the front of the Great Hall at the feast.

The woman was seated next to Snape. She had a sickening smug grin on her face. Umbridge was short and stout: dressed in nothing but pink.

"I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing the Professor good luck," said as everyone began to clap. The new professor nodded her head with a forced grin and giggle. Professor Snape and McGonagall could be seen eyeing her unamused by her presence.

Once the applause began to die down Dumbledore continued his speech, "Our caretaker Mr Filch has asked me to remind you—"
Umbridge coughed slightly clearing her throat, interrupting Dumbledore's interdiction speech. She slowly began to rise from her seat and approach Dumbledore: the room was utterly silent.

"Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words of welcome," she said now standing where Dumbledore stood, "and how lovely to see all of your right, happy faces smiling up at me."

Nadia scoffed, the noise echoing through the quiet hall. Everyone briefly looked at her before she sunk back in her seat a tad embarrassed. Draco sat next to her, quietly laughing at the girl.

She turned to amused Draco and said, "Literally no one is smiling,"

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

"That's likely," The twins and Nadia said at the same time. They turned in their seats and smiled at each other from across the room and giggled. Umbridge noticed the twins and Nadia chuckling gleefully also hearing their remarks but she ignored it and continued:

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be a vital importance. Although, each headmaster had brought something new to this historic school,"
She soon nodded at Dumbledore before pacing across the front.

"Progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prove practices that ought to be...prohibited."

She soon giggled before returning to her seat at the teacher's table. Dumbledore clapped encouraging the other students to awkwardly join in.

Nadia started to mumble under her breath, "I hate that bitch already,"


"Hey Draco," Nadia smiled walking through the Slytherin common room. She had her book bag over her shoulder, ready for the day.

"Good morning Nadia," Draco smiled. They walked through the corridors together talking until they reached the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom: Nadia had been dreading this class since the home coming feast.

The door was already open, so people began to file in with their friends choosing where to sit. Draco sat next to Nadia near the back. Nadia spotted Harry, Ron and Hermione and waved nicely to them.

She saw that Neville was sitting by himself, so she rushed him over to sit in the desk next her and Draco's.

"Why is Longbottom sitting next to us?" Draco mumbled leaning towards Nadia.

"He's my friend, I think you'd like him if you just try." Draco rolled his eyes internally as the class got ready. It seemed that the front row of the classroom was empty: Nadia wasn't surprised, she didn't want to be within five feet of the teacher but that was unavoidable.

The Patil Twins sat in one of the nearest rows close to the front, messing around with their enchanted paper bird. It flew all around the classroom, catching many of student's eyes before it soon glided to the front and burst into small flames, right in front of the Patil's desk.

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