"merlin, give me strength"

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"Amazing. Amazing." Neville mumbled excitedly holding some sort plant as he stood bare foot in the lake. Harry and Nadia were leaning on the nearest tree. Harry was picking at grass with boredom and Nadia was reading. 

"Your doing it again Nevs." Nadia reminded as she looked up from her book. 

Neville blushed with slight embarrassment, "right, sorry." Nadia shook her head as she stood up and looked at the library book Neville was clutching earlier. 

"What is this?" 

"It's a book on water plants. Professor Moody gave it to me when we had tea." Neville replied. Nadia hummed and returned back to sit against the tree. 

Harry and Nadia soon heard a distant mumbling of voices. Nadia turned her body and saw Ron and Hermione.

"Just do it yourself Ronald!" Hermione argued. Ron simply shook his head and pursed his lips together. Nadia frowned. He still wouldn't talk to them yet.

Hermione sighs, "Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him by Dean who was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you."

"Is that right?" Harry asks now walking past Nadia to go closer to Ron and Hermione. "Well...what?"

Hermione whispers something to Ron and he quickly whispers back.

"Dean was told by Par-please don't make me say it again. Hagrid's looking for you."

"Well you can tell Ronald-" Harry was interrupted by an aggravated Hermione. 

"I'm not an owl!" Hermione exclaimed and barges off with Ron at her tail. Everyone was shocked by Hermione's outburst yet it was explainable. Nadia just wished Ron would hear her and Harry out. 


Dragons. That was the first task. Harry and Nadia were now going around the castle to tell the other champions. Nadia and Harry were soon to notice the badges about them that all the Hufflepuffs were wearing. 

'Potter & Evans stink.'

As they walked past the Hufflepuffs they sneered insults but Nadia tried to let it shake off of her. The two approached a group that was gathered around Cedric. 

"Scoot your pooch! Let's make some room people!" Nadia yelled gaining their attention. 

"Like the badges, Evans?" one of the older ones asked getting closer to her. 

"That's nice that you want my opinion and it is that the badges need more green." Nadia coolly said. They eventually were able to get to Cedric.
"Can we have a word?" Harry asked hushed. 

"It's about the first task." Nadia added. Cedric nodded and waved off his friends as the three walked away for some privacy. 

"Dragons." Nadia bursts out bluntly. Cedric looked extremely confused.

"What about dragons?" 

"That's the first task. They've got one for each of us." Harry answered much more clearer. 

"You're kidding." Cedric saw the seriousness on Nadia and Harry's faces. "And Krum and Fleur, do they know?"


Cedric nods in thought, "right and listen about the badges-" 

"Don't worry about it," Harry dismisses. Cedric smiles and returns to his group of friends. Harry and Nadia walks away and saw Ron and Seamus getting closer.

"Merlin give me strength..." Nadia whispered as she saw the two boys face head to head. She tried to grab onto the fabric of Harry's robes to get him away but he shrugged her off. 

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