"we'll call you nadster then"

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Remus and Moody led Nadia closer to the house until a plump, short woman came rushing out of the house with haste. She had flour in her hair and all over her apron and her hair was ginger and in a frizz. Her eyes seemed tired yet so welcoming and warm. 

"Remus? Moody? Who is this?" she quickly shot question after question switching glances between the young girl and the two men. 

"Molly, this is Nadia." Remus spoke slowly. Molly's hand went to her mouth with shock and disbelief. "Nadia Belle Evans." 

"Oh my, thank Merlin you are safe. My dear girl." she breathed out, wrapping her arms around the young girl. Nadia flinched at first. 

It was a natural instinct. 

But then returned the hug awkwardly. Molly then unwrapped her arms from the girl to get a better look at the girl. She then quickly brushed herself down, regaining her composure. 

"How about we go inside, I am about to finish lunch."

The four of them walked into the home. The door was swung open by Moody and a small, cramped kitchen came into Nadia's view. Molly turned around to face Nadia and kindly spoke, "It is not anything fancy but it is home."

She was right, Nadia had never had felt more at home.

"Gosh, she is the spitting image of her parents." Molly said addressing Moody and Remus.

"She has her father's eyes," Remus adds with a small smile of pride hiding his grief.

"How about you go freshen up and then we can all have some lunch. How does that sound?" Molly suggested.

Nadia nodded silently.

"I'll show you to the bathroom and get you some new clothes to change into as well."


After freshening up, Nadia had changed into some new clothes. These were not like her other ones. They weren't covered in dirt and filth nor dull colours like black, brown and grey. They were colourful. The pants were a bit loose on her but she didn't give more notice. Nadia then walked out to be greeted by a girl with red hair as well.

She must be Molly's daughter--the resemblance was uncanny. Bright ginger hair, glowing eyes with cute freckles on her nose and cheeks. She was beautiful.

"Mum told me to come get you when you were ready. Lunch is almost done. I'm Ginny by the way, your Nadia right?"

Nadia nodded, she felt too nervous to say anything at this time. She must be still processing everything that has happened in such a short period of time. She hoped that Ginny wouldn't take offence to her lack of communication but instead she just smiled.

"I see your done, let's head to the kitchen then. Fair warning, there are a lot of us, mostly boys. It always Hermione and I but now there's another girl!" Ginny rambled on as she led Nadia to the kitchen to see an array of red hair although there was a young girl with brunette hair and a boy with black that stood out.

Laughter and voices filled the small kitchen as everyone talked. Molly noticed Nadia and Ginny's arrival and the previously lively, chattering room turned quiet. She sent the two girls a soft, motherly smile, "lunch is ready, Nadia. Feeling peckish?"

Nadia returned the smile, "Lunch sounds great Mrs...?"

"Molly dear. Call me Molly." 

Molly smiles and leads Nadia and Ginny to the table, she makes Nadia sit near a red-head boy. He sent her a smile as he stuffed his mouth.

Nadia then thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Surely, they were. She was seeing two of the same person! She rubbed her eyes blaming it on the lack of sleep. Alas, nothing changed when she reopened her eyes. Everyone at the table burst into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Nadia thought to herself feeling out of place.

"Don't worry." One of the doubles said.

"Your are eyes aren't playing tricks on ya'," the other finished.

"We're twins." they then both say in unison.

"I'm Fred."

"I'm George."


"We'll call you Nadster then." Fred declared affirmatively.

"Nadster? Why in the world would you call me that?" Nadia laughed at the scarily identical twins.

"What does it matter? Nadia is way to boring!" George replied with a grin. Nadia decided to let it go and turns to the boy who she was sitting next to--he was still stuffing his face.

"Ron Weasley and these are my mates Hermione and Harry." he said pointing to his friends. The girl had brown, frizzy hair. She had small freckles and when she smiled she had buck teeth. The other boy had black hair that was messed up and thick, round glasses covered his eyes.

"Nice to meet you guys. How many siblings do you have exactly?" Nadia asks as Molly placed a big plate of food in front of Nadia telling her to 'eat up.' Nadia sends a quick thanks when Ginny answered, "we have three more, all boys."

"Perfect Percy graduated last year so he is working with the ministry." Fred said cutting up his bacon.

"Bill's a curse breaker." George cut off Fred.

"And Charlie works with dragons in Romania! Isn't that cool!?" Ron exclaims with a muffled voice due to the pancakes in his mouth.

"Goodness sake Ronald, chew with your mouth closed!" Hermione scolds across the table. Before Ron could react yet another red headed male walks in the kitchen.

"Afternoon Weasleys, how are--" he trailed off as he caught sight of Nadia. "You look awfully familiar."

"I'm Nadia sir." Molly quickly approaches the man and whispers something in his ear in a hushed tone. Nadia was adamant that it was about her.

"Pleasure Nadia, Arthur Weasley."


The day went as usual: the kids showed Nadia around. She quickly bonded with the twins. She liked their humor and outlook on life-it was so positive. She also connected with Ginny and Hermione being the only girls. Nadia had never had a day go so perfect yet her questions were still yet unanswered.

"KIDS, COME DOWN! WE HAVE GUESTS!" Molly's voice echoed through the Burrow.

Nadia's questions were about to be answered.

Nadia's questions were about to be answered

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