"from this moment on the triwizard tournament has begun"

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Nadia and Draco locked eyes for a moment-maybe more than a brief moment. She shook herself out the daze she was in and sat in the nearest vacant seat at the Slytherin table. 

She sat next to a seemingly tall boy who had a darker chocolate complexion. His cheekbones were high and his black eyes were slanted. 

She faintly smiled to the boy after she took her place in her seat. The sorting continued as the first years were sorted. 

The last name was called and the food magically appeared in front of the kids. Everything and anything was there. Pumpkin pies to black pudding to pork chops. 

"Now that we are all settled and sorted, I would like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your homes for the year but also home to some very special guests." Dumbledore spoke with confidence and pride addressing his students and staff. His words  began to slightly falter as a older man with hunched shoulders and an extremely noticeable bald spot on his head made his way up to Dumbledore. His walk was limp and somewhat comical despite his efforts. 

The man whispered something in Dumbledore's ear and traveled accordingly down the aisles in the exact manner. 

"Hogwarts has been chosen for a legendary event. The Triwizard Tournament."

"YOUR JOKING!" Fred yelled. Laughter and chatter broke through the Great Hall once more. Almost everyone was laughing besides a few odd Slytherins, a teacher with a long nose and black hair and none other than Alastor Moody. 

Since was he a teacher at Hogwarts? He saved her...

The laughter of many quickly broke the rising tension in the hall. Dumbledore chuckled and assured everyone it was not a joke.

"Now for those have not heard of such Tournament brings together three wizarding schools for a series of magical competitions." The man's eyes sparkled. 

Nadia glanced back at Harry at the Gryffindor table. He could see the confusion on Nadia's face and simply shrugged equally as confused. 

"From each three schools a single student will be chosen to compete. Now let me make this very clear. This tournament is not for the faint-hearted but more of that later. Join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of Beauxbations Academy of Magic and their headmistress Madame Maxime." 

The double doors to the Great Hall were opened on queue as a group of beautiful girls in blue danced down the aisles. A lot of the boys could be found fawning over such girls: mouths open in awe and eyes wide. Ron seemed to be among that group of boys. 

The Beauxbations girls released dozens of blue butterflies from their bare hands into the Hall. Entering behind the group of the beautiful, French girls was their headmistress Madam Maxime. A ginormous woman who wore an extravagant fur coat. As she made her way up to Dumbledore, he pecked her hand with a light kiss and welcomed her. 

"Now our friends from the North, please greet the young sons of Durmstang and their headmaster Igor Karakroff." 

Bulky boys in fur coats and jackets filed their way down banging their wooden sticks on the hard floor making a in sync noise. They jabbed them, spun them and threw them.

Whispers echoes through the Hall as everyone caught sight of Victor Krum. The presumably older boys blew fire from the bo staffs as a man with shaggy hair and a beard walk behind them with haste. 

"Albus!" Igor said in his thick accent and deep voice.

"Igor." They embraced in a quick, side hug as Igor made his way to his students. 

Dumbledore soon let the kids continue with their meals for the time being until around thirty minutes late he once again made his way to his 'spot'. 

"Now further information about this tournament. The winner will get a weighty amount of money: a thousand galleons. They will also receive the Cup and eternal glory."

 Gasps were made. 

"Eager as you all are, I must inform you all that students under the age of seventeen are unable to enter the name in the tournament due to the high death toll."

High death toll...?

"THAT'S RUBBISH!" the Weasley twins yelled cupping their mouth to heighten their voices. An outburst of angry voices and complaints of students roared. 

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore silenced, the noises seized. The wise-aged man journeyed over to a covered box. He unveiled the insides and the cup was soon on show for all to see. "The Goblet of Fire, anyone who wishes to submit themselves merely write your name on a piece of parchment and throw it into the flames by this hour next Thursday night. Do do not do so lightly, if chosen they is no turning back." 

A mellow and deep thoughtful silence washed over. This was no usual 'welcome back feast' it was intense. 

"From this moment on the Triwizard Tournament has begun." 

Nadia sat on the bed of her new dorm. According to the names that were on the door her dorm mates were Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass and Valerie Huxley. 

The previously plain black robes she previously wore were now green and had the infamous slytherin serpent logo.

She began to unpack her belongings when her dorm mates walked in. 

"Getting settled, huh?" a girl said. She had a chocolate brown complexion, dark eyes and thickly lustrous hair.

"Uhh, something like that. Nadia Evans." Nadia introduced herself holding at her hand to the girl. 

"What's your blood status?" another girl said dismissing her introduction. She had dark black hair that brushed just above her shoulders. Her face kind of resemble a pug Nadia noticed. She said nothing of it of course.

Nadia chuckled, "What's that got to do with anything?"

"Now, now Pansy. Let's get to ahead our selves. My name is Daphne but you call me Daph. The nosy one over there is Pansy and that's Val." Daphne smiled warmly. Daphne had dark brown hair that was tied up in a low messy bun. Nadia felt very out of place with her flaming red hair and pale skin.

"Nice to meet you guys." 


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