"evans, why are you wearing your pyjamas?"

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The morning of the twenty fourth of June, Professor McGonagall was on a hunt to seek all of the champions.

Coincidentally, that morning Nadia decided to attend breakfast in her pyjamas. She took a bite of her buttered toast when Professor McGonagall approached her at the Slytherin table.

"Evans, why are you in your pyjamas?" exhaled McGonagall.

Nadia finished her bite of the toast and simply said, "the real question, Professor is why isn't everyone wearing their pyjamas? I did research and muggle schools get dress up days."

McGonagall sighed and pursed her lips, hiding the smile threatening to escape, "Look Evans, you may take that up with Headmaster Dumbledore, but it is the third task today and your presence is required in the champion chamber after breakfast."

"But Professor, the task isn't until tonight!"

"I'm well aware of that, Evans but the champions families are invited to watch the final task. This is simply a chance for you to greet them."

McGonagall walked away with her floaty robes trailing elegantly behind her. Nadia was extremely confused on who was going to come. Remus would most likely not even be able to come due to the stupid moon cycle.


Nadia and Harry walked to the Champions Chambers both in wonder who would arrive. Cedric and his parents were there grinning from ear to ear. Victor was talking to what seemed to be his mother and father in fluent Bulgarian. Then, Fleur was there with her mother and little sister also talking in French quickly.

Nadia and Harry looked around when they spotted Mrs Weasley and Bill beaming at them.
"Surprise Harry!" Molly exclaimed bringing him into a hug as Nadia and Bill hugged.

"Is Remus here, Molly?"

Molly's face dropped and shook her head, "I'm sorry dear, he wanted to come." Nadia nodded grimly but tried to focus on the positives. Molly and Bill were there, she would be fine without Remus.

Suddenly a light bulb lights up in Nadia's head, "Bill your still single and ready to mingle right?"

Bill chuckled, "Thank you for reminding me,"

"Well, today is your lucky day!" Bill looked incredibly confused. "Well c'mon then, come with me!" Nadia exclaimed grabbing his hand and taking him up to Fleur.

"Hey Fleur!" Nadia called the blonde Veela girl. Fleur turned her head fast, Nadia was convinced that if it moved any faster her ponytail would give her whiplash.

"'Ello, Nadia," Fleur smiled, speaking in her thick accent happily.

"Fleur this is Bill, Bill this is Fleur. Why don't you two talk and look at the Mrs Weasley's calling me. BYEEE!" Nadia rushed off leaving the two to interact.

As Nadia began to walk back to Molly and Harry, she spotted purple hair who was accompanied by none other than Remus.

"REMUS!" Nadia called, running up to him. Jumping into his arms, "I missed you." He chuckled but then hissed. "Sorry,"

Remus didn't look great. He had fresh wounds on his face and dark circles under his eyes.

"It's okay, tough night." Nadia nodded wearily.
"You didn't have to come but anyway who is this?" Nadia said drawing her attention to the purple haired girl.

"This is Tonks, we are close friends," Remus smiled as she waved back.

"Well hello, Tonks."


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