"your hair reeks of bad break up vibes"

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"Father and I are seating in the Minister's Box. By personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself!" The blonde boy gloated. His father struck him with the bottom of his cane, the boy flinched. 

"Don't boast Draco, no need with these type of people." the older man said to Draco then diverting his attention to Nadia. "Miss Evans, correct? Lucius Malfoy. May I ask you, where have you been actually all these years? Mhmm?"

"May I ask you something instead, Mr Malfoy?" Nadia queried. Lucius raised an eyebrow. "What type of box dye do you use?"

"I beg your pardon?!"

"No offence of course sir, but surely that is not your natural hair. Your hair reeks of bad break up vibes." 

Stormy eyes met the blue ones in a death stare. 

Lucius shook off her remark and said, "it was a pleasure to meet you Miss Evans. Enjoy the game."

"I would say the pleasure is mine but I rather not fib, but please enjoy the game too!"


Nadia and her friends watched the game intently as Victor Krum caught the snitch. The crowd let out a cheer yet the Irish still pulled off a win. 

The group of redheads accompanied by a brunette girl and jet black hair boy returned to their respective tent. Nadia flopped herself on the bed and let out a sigh. Adrenaline was still coursing through her veins as the residual white noise rang throughout her ears. She eventually let her eyes flutter shut to be disturbed by the alarmed and loud shrieks of fear that boomed outside the tent. 

She shot up like a bullet awakening from her short slumber she leapt out of the bed and quickly ventured to find the cause of such cries of fear. 

"What's going on Arthur?" she asked with a croak in her voice. 

"We need to leave now! Get outside!"

As her and the rest of the group rushed outside, they caught sight of the scene. Fires were burning, people were running and attempting to flee from the rough grasps of the masked wizards. 

The masked wizards were quick to soon aim their wands towards the sky, they let out a cackle of pride. 


Nadia looked above them. What she say was terrifying. Among the pitch-black sky was a colossal skull that penetrated through the dark. There was a glittering green that sprouted once more through the darkness and formed a snake slithering out of the mouth of the skull. The greenish smoke accentuated the black sky and began to reassemble a constellation.

 Anxiety rattled her bones and could barely register the hurried cries that her friends asserted throughout the panic driven crowd. 

She tried to shake off her anxious nature and looked around for the Weasleys. 

"NADIA! QUICKLY!" she could the voice of Hermione urging her to fasten her pace. She began to jog through the crowds and eventually was able to grasp Hermione's hand. 

She sent her a forced smile attempting to reassure her. Hermione led her briskly through the woods to the rest of the group. They passed the thicket of trees and  tripped on a root of a tree. 

"You okay, Nadia?" Nadia nodded and rose back to her feet shakily. She tightened her grip on Hermione's hand and her wand. Her heart was thumping hard and restlessly in her chest. 

Hermione continued to attempt to calm the frantic girl but her words of comfort were drowned out the cries of the crowd. The two girls reached the rest of the group and the twins engulfed Nadia in a hug. 

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