"valerie and i are a packaged deal"

53 2 6

TW: swearing

Harry and Nadia were blinded by the overwhelming amount of pink that was in Umbridge's office.

Umbridge smiled sickeningly sweet at the arrival of the two students, "Good evening. Sit. You're going to be doing some lines for me today."

Nadia reached into her book bag to get a quill but Umbridge interrupted, "Np, not with your quill. You both going to be using a rather special quill of mine."
Umbridge passed them two quills and gave them some parchment.

"Now I want you both to write, I must not tell lies."

Harry grumbled, "how many times?"

"well, let's say for as long it takes for the message to sink in."

"But you haven't given us any ink." Nadia spoke confused.

"Oh, you won't be needing any ink." Umbridge left the two to do their lines as she sat in silence sipping her tea.

Nadia began to write:

'I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

I must not tell lies.

I must not tell li—'

The more she wrote, the more of a burning sensation she would feel on her hand. A red outline formed on her hand, she clenched her hand in pain with gritted teeth. She refused to give Umbridge any satisfaction.

Soon, 'I must not tell lies' was carved into both Harry and Nadia's hand. Nadia's eyes were misty from the pain as she continued to write.

Umbridge walked to where they sat and smiled, "yes?"
"nothing..." the two mumbled, glaring at the woman.

"That's right. Because you know, deep down you two deserved to be punished."


Nadia wandered the deserted halls and corridors as she began to walk to the Astronomy tower. She clutched her injured hand tight to her chest wrapped in her scarf for protection. She began feeling rather nauseous the further she walked: her mind raced as she ran up the stairs to the top of the tower.

She didn't even notice the fast approaching figure silhouette until to emerged into Draco Malfoy.

"Nadia, what are you doing here?"

Draco's face dropped when he saw dark stains seeping through her scarf and calmly walked up to her. He gently but firmly grabbed her wrist and unwrapped the scarf to be met with small trickles of blood escape the fresh cuts that were inflicted on her hand.

"Nadia, how did this happen?" Draco breathed out with concern. Nadia tugged her arm before clutching it to her chest once again.

"It's doesn't matter, Draco. I just came here to think."

Draco felt his heart plummet when he heard the pain and hurt that laced her shaky voice. Draco shook his head and grabbed her unharmed hand before leading her down the stairs of the Astronomy tower.

"Draco, where are we going?"

"You'll see,"

Soon later, Nadia found herself sitting in the kitchens at Hogwarts. Draco tended to her hand as a cute house elf named Dobby came and served Nadia some tea.

"Thank you, Dobby," Nadia smiled at the kind house elf. Harry had told Nadia all about Dobby and how he is a free elf and works for Dumbledore.

"It is an honour, Miss Evans. Dobby has heard much about you." Told the house elf happily.

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