"harry's is so much cooler"

81 4 3

TW: description of death

A/N: feel free to play some depressing music for this chapter. It low key hits different with it. Have fun :) 


"You're my...father?" Nadia didn't know how to react. She had so many questions. She turned to Dumbledore, then Molly and Harry and then back to Remus.

"You mean to tell me that...you've known this whole time and you chose now to tell me. The night of when I get entered in what practically the Hunger Games, in my pyjamas and interrupting my going my indefinite going away party?"

"Yeah... Chocolate?" Remus pulled out a bar of dark chocolate... their  favourite. She tried to resist the urge, but she put the tub of ice cream in Harry's hands and took a piece of her favourite treat.

"Start from the beginning..." Nadia sighs.

"Your mother is Lily's older sister. She was around two years older than Lily. Her name was Daisy, the two were often mistaken for each other. They looked a very much like."

"What was she like?" Nadia asked as her and others took a seat. Dumbledore sat behind his desk and listened in deep thought, Harry was the same and Molly was simply sipping her chamomile tea. She did enjoy a good heart to heart.

"She was the most beautiful woman I have ever met. She was in an older year than me when I first came to Hogwarts, but we got quite close. You remind me some much of her, she was very sassy like you: spoke her mind a great deal and I hear you did just that today after finding out news, correct?" Nadia blushed, she also thought a father would reprimand her for such a thing, but Remus wasn't like that. He simply smiled and reminisced.

"Anyways, when she died, we were planning the wedding. We had you already of course but we hadn't even thought of marriage yet. You just brought us closer together."

"I know she was killed by Volde—"

"Don't saw his name!" Molly intervened before Nadia could say any further.

"Sorry, she was killed by You Know Who, but what actually happened that night?"


A thunderstorm had hit around the Potter residence. Daisy Evans and her little girl, Nadia sat in the house along with James and Lily Potter with their little boy, Harry. Harry and Nadia played, and babbled baby talk to each other in Harry's room as the adults conversed.

"Remus too busy to hang out with us now, Daisy?" James teased about his mate.

Lily smacked his arm playfully, "now, now James that is no way to speak our friends. How is Remus, Daisy?"

Daisy smiled at her sister, "he is doing well. He is helping the aurors with the latest murder, don't let him know I told you this, but the last full moon hit particularly hard. The poor thing came back with scars and bruises all over. I just wish I was able to become an Animagus like you James in school before I got so busy." Lily reached out to hold her sister's hand.

"Wait a minute, hold ya' horses. You're a werewolf?" Nadia questioned calmly.

"Yes, I'm sure my friend Sirius would have quite the stories to tell. But I promise that I would never risk your or anyone else's safety when I am transformed."

"Okay...but I want some stories later!"

"On with the story now." Remus clapped his hands regaining the group's attention. "Fair warning, you're not going to like what you hear, Naddy." Nadia nodded slowly telling Remus to continue.

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