"he's gone..."

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"Let me see her, please." Draco pleaded with the school matron. They had been going back and forth for a good three minutes.

"Fine, just don't wake her up!" Madame Pomfrey warned sternly.

"Great, now where will I sleep?" Draco asked happily.

"Mr Malfoy, I can not let you stay here over night! This is a Hospital Wing. For sick and injured students, not friends!"

Draco thought to himself for a brief moment before saying, "Well that's the thing, Madam Pomfrey, I have this awful head ache and the stress of not knowing if Nadia is okay is only inflicting more pain. Surely, it is illegal to neglect a student in pain?" Draco raised his eyebrow. 

A staring match began between the worried boy and the stern, orderly matron.

"For heaven's sake! Fine! Sleep on the bed next to her, but only for tonight! Understood?" Madam Pomfrey said exasperatedly. "But if she wakes up, do give her this."

Madam Pomfrey handed Draco two vials of different potions, "make sure she has them, I'll be back in the morning to check on her wounds. I'll be in my sleeping chambers if you are in need of anything." Draco nodded, hands occupied with potions as Madam Pomfrey walked away to her sleeping chambers. 

Draco smiled satisfied with himself and pushed the divider curtain and saw Nadia sleeping restlessly. Her eyes were heavy but she was moving and whispering under her breath. 

"Cedric...no...don't hurt him..." she mumbled rustling under the light, hospital duvet covers. 

Draco took a seat next to her bed, placing the potions next to him on the floor. He took Nadia's hand in his own and held it gently, "your okay, your okay..." Draco whispered to her. She seemed to be in a dream but after a few minutes her eyes began to flutter open. 

Her eyebrows shot up and she sat up rapidly and yelled, "CEDRIC!" 

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Her eyebrows shot up and she sat up rapidly and yelled, "CEDRIC!" 

Draco jumped and tried to soothe Nadia, "hey, hey. You're okay. It was a bad dream. I'm here." Draco sat on the edge of the lumpy bed and brought the distressed Nadia into a comforting hug. He rested his chin on her head gently as she sobbed hysterically mumbling Cedric's name. 

"Draco..." she sobbed, voice cracking.


"He's gone..."

Draco's heart shattered into a million pieces seeing his girl like this. Nadia's vision was mostly blurred from the tears forming in her eyes. Her trembling fingers held onto Draco tightly as she sobbed silently. 

Draco had no idea how to comfort someone so he resorted to what his mother used to do when he had a bad dream. 

If only this was just a dream. But it was far from that, it was the cold reality of the world. So, Draco sat there and stroked her mangled, knotty hair gently as he cooed her soft and gentle words. 

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