"good things may come to those who wait"

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The kids briskly all filed down the stairs to the sitting room of the Burrow wondering who these mystery guests were. 

Nadia was the first to reach the bottom of the stairs to see a thin, old man talking to Molly who was pouring him some tea. He had a long, silver beard, crooked nose and soul piercing eyes in the shade of blue. Molly was quick to notice the kids presence due to the loud thumps they all made coming down. 

"Kids, there you are! Nadia, this is Albus Dumbledore. Headmaster at Hogwarts." Molly introduced as Albus stood up to greet the young girl. He approached Nadia and put out his arm showing his long, bony fingers. Nadia shook his hand and gave him a small smile. 

"It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Evans--"

"Wait, Evans?" Harry interrupted. Hermione lightly whacked him on the arm signalling him to shut up and let Dumbledore finish. 

"Now now Harry, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I believe Nadia has a few questions mhm?" questioned Dumbledore thoughtfully. 

"I don't really know where to start sir, I have so many." shrugged Nadia. How was one meant to calmly ask a few questions after being locked away their whole life? 

"Well then dear child, I'll start from the beginning. I have to reason to believe that is a wise place to start." Nadia swallowed thickly, hesitate to hear what she was about to hear but her curiosity stumped her fear. 

"I presume one of your questions would be why you were isolate for so long, is that correct?" the old man questioned. 
"yes sir." 

"have you heard anything of The Dark Lord by any chance?"


"Why don't you take a seat Nadia, Harry you should stay too. The rest of you, off to bed. Pip pip." Molly said sensing what context was coming. 

"But MUuMmm!" Ginny whined: she absolutely hated the feeling of exclusiveness and being left in the dark yet Nadia had been living in the dark her whole life.

Dumbledore took a slow breath trying to find the words until he hummed in thought, "We will address that later, but all you must know he is a powerful wizard and we suspect he is the brains behind your captivity. When you were isolated you were being hid in Malfoy Manor, we also suspect that the manor owners are followers of the Dark Lord. We are yet to find out his motive but having you closer to him may have provided him with some sort of advantage." 

"Holy shit, this is a lot of information to take in," Nadia thought. 

"Wait Professor, can we go back to when you said 'Evans' was Nadia's last name? That's my mother's name." Harry asked curiously.

"I was just about to address that my dear boy, Nadia is related to you Harry. Nadia's mother was Lily's older sister." 

Harry's face contorted into a few different emotions tied into one. The first was confusion: how didn't he know this? You would think Dumbledore would tell him? The second was disbelief for the same reasons but the final one, the final one was happiness. 

Someone with his blood was alive and well. He had someone. 

The boy was blissful and definitely delighted. 

"You keep saying 'was' when talking about my mum, where is she? What about my father?" Nadia croaked out still in shock from the overwhelming amount of information she was receiving. 

"I am sorry to say, Miss Evans that your mother passed away the night you were taken." Dumbledore said solemnly.

"Oh." Nadia sighed, what was she thinking? After being locked away for so long deprived from love and family, she still held onto such false hope. 

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