"get some mental help mad eye"

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The next morning, Nadia was woken up by a very flustered Valerie Huxley. Nadia's sleep like usual were plagued with dreams and nightmares. 

"Come on, Nadia! Breakfast is about to start!" Valerie exclaimed despite to wake the sleep deprived girl. 

"Five more minutes, Val." Nadia mumbled, pulling the green duvet up to her shoulders.Valerie sighed deeply.

"Just leave her, Val. She was tossing and turning most of the night anyway." Daphne tried to be the voice of reason. But Valerie was persistent.

"No, Daph. This is our first official day and we need to get to know each other and we can't do that if a certain red head is in bed. Now, GET UP!" Valerie threw the duvet off Nadia's body and grabbed her hands to pull her up. Nadia whined.

"Okay, I'm up Val." 

"Good. Now have a shower. You stink but be warned Pansy used all the hot water." Valerie said. 

Daphne chuckled, "the cold water might do you some good." 

"Okay, okay. You've made your point clear. Give me ten minutes."


Nadia Evans



Defense Against the Dark Arts | Alastor Moody

(Slytherin & Gryffindors)

Divination |Sybil Trelawney

(Hufflepuff & Slytherin)


Potions | Severus Snape

(Slytherin & Hufflepuff)




The door creaked open to reveal Alastor Moody. The professor picked up a piece of chalk and started to vigorously write his name. 

"Alastor Moody, Auror and your new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of story, good bye, the end. Any questions?" 

The room was silent. 

"When it comes to Defense Against the Dark Arts, I have a firm believer in a practical approach. Firstly, who can tell me how many unforgivable curses are?"

"Three , sir." Nadia said, raising her hand as so.

"And they are named so?"

"Because they are unforgivable." Hermione interrupts. "Use any of them and-"

"You'll earn yourself a way one ticket to Azkaban, correct. Now the ministry says your too young to witness what these curse do, I say not!" Moody said while writing notes on the chalk board.

"You need to know what your up against and you need to find another place for your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk Mr Finnigan!" 

"No way, the old codger can see in the back of his." Seamus Finnigan replied in what meant to be a hushed tone but came out quite the opposite.

"And hear cross classrooms!" He threw the piece of chalk across the classroom. It was aimed at Seamus but he was able to dodge it. "WEASLEY!"
"yes?" Ron stumbled.

"Give us a curse."

"Well my dad mentioned one. The Imperious Curse." Ron spluttered as Moody watched him.

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