"you did good nadia"

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"You told me the two you figured out weeks ago!" Hermione gasped in shock and disbelief as her, Nadia and Harry stood on the bridge together. "The task is in two days!" 

"Thank you for reminding us," Nadia scoffed, "I can only presume that Krum has figured it out," Nadia presumes with an eyebrow raised.

Hermione smiled and said, "We don't really talk about the tournament. We don't really talk at all for that matter, Victor is more of a physical being. I mean he just isn't..." Hermione pauses to think of how to word her next few sentences. "Mostly he watches me study. It's a bit annoying actually. Anyways, are you two at least going to try to solve the egg?"

"We're trying, Hermione." Nadia mumbled, unbeknownst of where to start.

"These tasks are suppose to test you, in the most brutal way, it's almost cruel. And um... I guess I'm just scared for you two. You guys got the dragons on mostly nerve, and it might not be enough this time."

Nadia and Harry didn't have any words. Hermione was right, nerve isn't always going to help them. Before the three of them could say anymore Cedric approached, hands in pockets calling out their names.

"Nadia, Harry."

"Cedric." Harry nodded as Nadia smiled warmly.

"How are you two?" Cedric began to instigate a civil conversation.

"Spectacular," the two said in unison nonchalantly.

"Look, I never really thanked you for tipping me off about the dragons."

"Forget about it, you'd probably do the same." Nadia dismissed as she shook her head. Cedric leaned in closer and spoke in a tone so only the two could hear me.

"You know the prefects bathroom on the fifth floor? It's not a bad place to take a bath. Just take your egg and mull things over in the hot water," Cedric whispered, a slight smile tugging at his face.

Cedric smiled and continued to walk across the bridge, Nadia turned to Harry with a smirk. 

"Well who's going to figure it out?" 

"What do you mean?" Harry said utterly confused.

"Look, Harold. I love you but not enough to share a bath with you," Nadia snickered. 

"NADIA! C'mon. I won't be able to figure it out without you!" Harry whined.

Nadia didn't speak for a brief moment and sighed, "Fine! But I am sitting on the edge, you are doing most of the work." 


The bath began to fill up with warm water as steam arose from the it. Harry much to his dismay was in his swimming trunks while as Nadia sat with her leggings rolled up splashing her legs childishly in the water. 

Harry put his head under with the egg while Nadia played with the bubbles cautious not to wet her clothes of course. 

Harry swam back up with the egg and the cousins were met with the same awful screeching sound. 

"Harry, close the darn thing!" Nadia exclaimed covering her eyes.

Harry closed it and sighed, "It was singing..."

"Okay, well what was it singing about..?" Nadia inquired, curiously. Harry just smirked.

"See for your self!" Before Nadia react he pushed her playfully into the water with the egg so she could hear for herself. 

"Come seek us where our voices sound,

We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

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