"we look like we're in a cult"

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Today was the day of the Quidditch World Cup. Nadia knew very little of Quidditch besides of what the Weasleys had told her. Nadia jerked awake at the sound of her name being whisper yelled by none other than Hermione Granger.

Ever since she was rescued she had grown close to her new family and friends. 

"Nadia, wake up!" Hermione whisper yelled pulling Nadia out of her slumber.  Nadia rubbed her face until she came to a realization. She gasped.

"HERMIONE, THE CUP'S TODAY!" She squealed and leaped out bed excitedly. 

"SHUT IT!" Ginny whined pulling the covers over her head trying to silence the young girl. Getting Ginny out of bed was hard work. 

"Sorry Gin." Nadia giggled. 

"It's alright Nadia, Arthur says we are leaving soon." Hermione says. "Ginerva Molly you better get up soon as well. Your just as bad as Ronald."

Hermione closed the door leaving Ginny to awaken and Nadia to get ready. 


Ten minutes later and Nadia and Ginny traveled down to the kitchen to get a small breakfast before they start to hit the road. 


There was an uproar of laughter of the small girl. She had truly left her comfort zone and found her true personality. Excitement begins to dance to the very core of who Nadia is.

"What took you so long girls?" Molly questioned, "Even the boys were up before you!"

"Sorry Molly, the bed was extremely comfortable this morning." Nadia responded popping a piece of buttered toast in her mouth. Molly shook her head. 

"'Ello there, Charles. Good morrow, how we on this beautiful morning?" Nadia said in her poshest accent. Charlie let out a chuckle.

"I am quite well m' lady." Charlie said entertaining her sudden interest in posh accents. 

They continued to talk about dragons when Molly began to take attendance. 

"Harry. Hermione. Bill. Charlie. Ginny. Fred. George. Nadia and Percy is going to meet us there..." 

"Perfect Percy." the twins muttered snickering.



The Weasley family, Harry, Hermione and Nadia hiked through the vast grasslands, blindly following the lead of none other than Mr Weasley who was holding a large stick. He used it as a walking stick. 

"Where exactly are we going Arthur?" Nadia piped up a bit out of breath. She carried a large backpack that was almost bigger than her: the twins suggested they carried it for her or at least took it in shifts but the young red girl insisted on her carrying it. 

"Haven't the foggiest, Nadia." Mr Weasley called out from ahead. She let out an exhausted sigh before Fred quickly and slyly removed the bag from her back and George swept her into a piggy back. 

"This is it, this is my life. I am climbing these hills and now I will die upon one," huffed Nadia as her legs began to tire, almost ready to give out on her. 

Hermione rolled her eyes, "We've been walking for ten minutes." 

"I  never said that I needed help!" she said wrapping her arms around George's neck to hold on. 

"Your as thin as a stick, that bloody backpack would break your back. Nothing Madam Pomfrey couldn't fix of course but still!" George chuckled before Nadia smacked him playfully.

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