i'm back bitches🤠

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*insert drumroll🥁


*insert crowds cheering loudly

Anyways, I best stop with the "inserting", I don't want you all to click off seeing as this chapter is going to be very important!

Get ready for a longish chapter but I have things to say and I will not got SPEECHLESS!!!
(If you get that reference, you are an icon, if you don't you still are tee hee)

Now, I was realllllyyy nervous to come back on here and post because I didn't want to let anyone down. I know that I have a some community of readers whether you are interacting or ghost readers (don't worry, I appreciate and love you too even if you are a ghost reader!) but I am so grateful for all of you and would never want to let you guys down.

While my time away, I spent a lot of time thinking about what role writing os going to play in my life. Is it going to be a hobby? Or am I going to pursue a writing career? Now obviously I can not make living off writing fan fictions sadly, but I do love writing whether it's about our favourite ferret boy or a novel.

For the first three weeks I was on hiatus, I didn't write AT ALL. I was unmotivated, showered in school work and balancing my life at home, school and extra curriculars. I didn't have much time to myself let alone to provide good content. In other words, I gave up on writing for a bit but I found that I had too many thoughts and ideas swimming around in my head that I couldn't let go to waste.

I have now began to plan all of these books—and when I mean "plan" I either mean actually plan or just create Pinterest boards. ANYWAYYSS, I have gone back and read this book and let's just say, I went through the motions.

I'm not going to sit here and say all the things I hate about it but as I feel I have said before I am a very proud person and an extreme perfectionist. I found myself cringing alot (don't we all though) and found many inconsistencies and plot holes.

Now, in saying that, I have created a new account in which I am going to publish some new books. I have two in mind and have started one already! I just like the idea of starting over and really just reinvent it I guess?

Despite me not being exactly happy about my book "Nadia" I have a dear place for it in my heart as it was really what started my wattpad journey and contributed to my love of writing. This is why I will be leaving my two current books on this profile for all to read but they will not be updated any time soon...

My writing style has progressed through out my break and I want to start anew but I am aware that people do love this story (which I must say THANK YOU to you all, I never thought I would make it this far and my book may not be famous per say but it is my starting point. "Nadia" was my first book that I really dedicated myself to and that is another reason why it will remain on my account. Too much time and effort would be wasted if I just carelessly throw it away. I find it important to keep it on here because as people may read my future books—WHICH ARE COMING VERY SOON IF EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO PLAN—I want them to be able to look back on where I started and how far I have come!

Progress should be celebrated even if it is for the smallest of things. Celebrate getting out of bed today, eating a decent meal, getting a good grade on a paper! I myself know it can be hard and I would be a hypocrite if I didn't say that lol. I have struggled with mental health since a younger age and writing is an outlet for me like reading might be for you guys! Mental health being another reason why I went on hiatus in the first place along with family issues that are slowly being resolved. But now things are looking up and I am trying to be positive—how long will this positive attitude last? I don't know aha...

Anyways, I am really sorry if this disappoints anyone and I hope you can maybe give my new account a follow if you have enjoyed my books. I will add my username at the bottom of the chapter too.

I just wanted to say, thank you to everyone who has supported me. I hope you can understand my perspective as well.

So this is not goodbye, this is a see you soon because I am not going to stop anytime soon. I love writing, I love Harry Potter and I love you guys so yeah! I have my motivation, I have my ideas, all I need to do is write!

If you have made it this far through the chapter I also just want to apologise for any possible grammatical errors, I have typed this whole thing on my phone which is not ideal but my laptop is hooked up to my new account.

I will be active on this account for a few weeks but I might slowly be less active. I will check up on it every now and then to interact but I will be most active on the new one!

Thank you all once more and have a good day or night! Eat something, drink some water, do something that makes you happy and continue fantasising about our favourite ferret boy.

Now signing off one final time...

Novella xx

new account: aisling_writes
(Sorry about the name change just prefer to use my real one sorry for any confusion)

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