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Hey lovelies,

I have thinking about this for a while now and I have decided to put this book on hold. I don't know for how long, maybe it will be discontinued. 

Lately, I have been lacking motivation to write and when I do I usually have to make myself... it just isn't my best work and I'm a person who like to take pride in their work but I don't feel as proud as I could for this book.

I am in the process of planning a hunger games fan fiction. I am also buried in assignments be patient but I'm really excited. 

I am also planning on making a post war Draco Malfoy fan fic. I am certainly not going to quit writing because I am very grateful for all of my readers.

I was extremely hesitant to post my stories on here, in fear of people not liking my work but one of my close friends (you know who you are) convinced me and we both decided to write a story and publish. My friend always encouraged me and assured me that my content was enjoyable. 

So, when I got over a thousand reads I was quite shocked... I don't won't to let anyone down but I don't feel very inspired with this story and I feel that I really rushed the process instead of just enjoying myself. So, I think the best for me at the moment is to restart with a new story and try to rush myself. 

Who knows, I might come back to this story later on but we'll just have to wait and see I guess because I genuinely don't know. 

I would just like to thank you all for everything and reading my book, it means the world and really makes me happy. 

This is a brief goodbye, I will still be active if you want to message me or comment anything (I also enjoy seeing your comments, some really make me smile x) 

I will update on this book to tell you all when my new book is published so if you enjoy the hunger games I hope you will read it. 

I'm really sorry again but I feel this is the right choice for me.

Thanks again for everything, please keep an eye out for the new book. 

Remember stay safe, drink some water, eat some food, get a good night sleep and yeah... BYE ILY 


Novella xx

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