"you need to sort out your priorities"

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Ron hadn't talked to Harry and Nadia since they name got pulled out of the cup. Nadia was not pleased with his behaviour. She, Ginny and Hermione had made many attempts to get the boy to his senses but is mind was made up.

Now, Nadia sat on a wooden bench awaiting Rita Skeeter to interview not three champions but alas, five. The woman had large, dramatic and rigid platinum curls that sat perfectly on her pale face.

"What a charismatic group!" the lady announced shaking the hands of each champion with a firm grip. "I'm Rita Skeeter, I write for the Daily Prophet. But of course, you know that don't you? It's you that we don't know."

"What flaws and quirks lie behind those rosy cheeks?" she caressed her thumb on Fleur's cheek and then smacked it. "What mysteries hide behind those muscles? And does courage lie in those curls? In short, what makes a champion tick?! Me, myself and I want to know. Not mention my rabid readers."

Cedric and Nadia exchanged looks of confusion at each other

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Cedric and Nadia exchanged looks of confusion at each other.

"So, who feels up to sharing?" no one speaks. "we'll start with the youngest!" she pulled Nadia up to feet and beckoned Harry to join. "Lovely."

She held grasp of Harry and Nadia's wrist leading them to an unknown location. They eventually come to a stop when Rita squeezed them into a supply closet.

"This is cosy."

"It's a broom closet." Harry responded with a hint of sarcasm.

"Well, you should feel right at home." Rita told Harry in a matter of fact tone of voice. Nadia was quick to scoff at the woman's behaviour.

"You don't mind if I use the quill?" Rita asked but it sounded more of a statement. The quill was floating in the air. Nadia signalled it was fine and the interview began.

"So, Harry and Nadia. Here you sit at the mere age of twelve—"

"Uhm. We're fourteen." Nadia stated with confusion. Rita ignored her comment.

"About to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. Do you think the trauma of your past made you two so inclined to enter the contest?"

"No-no we didn't enter." Harry shook his head denying such a statement.

"Course you didn't. Everyone loves a rebel, Harry." She winked with a smirk on her face. "Scratch that last part." She said talking to the quill.

"How 'bout we just scratch this entire interview?" Nadia asked already having enough of this woman. Rita once again ignored the girl.

"What do you think your parents would think of you entering of your name Harry? And Nadia, what do you think your late mother you say? Would they be proud? Concerned at how your attitudes show at best a pathological need for attention, at worst a death wish?"

Nadia knew Rita was trying to get under their skin, so she simply took a deep breath, "I think she'd want you to shut up and get your facts right, Miss Skeeter."

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