"such a lady's man, ronniekins"

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It was Neville Longbottom who had found the Room of the Requirement: the new home for the newly formed 'Dumbledore's Army'. The room was made to reveal itself to a person when they needed it most: the timing was perfect.

Soon the news got around and the members of the Army stood in the Room of Requirement. It was a very large, vacant room that was lit by torches that hung from the walls. A warm fire cackling in the back of the room could be clearly seen and heard. Despite its vacancy it was also filled with iron suits of armour and dummies that imitated a human.

"So, say you really need the toilet..." Ron begins as some of the members roamed the halls.

Hermione rolled her eyes as Nadia chuckled gleefully, "Charming Ronald, but yes, that is the general idea."

"It's brilliant! It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back." Harry smiled nudging Nadia.

"When will we start to meet then?" Nadia asked, the Weasley twins nodded standing behind the short girl almost towering over her, "With all of Umbitch's new rules, it's almost impossible to meet all together unnoticed."

Harry thought for moment, "We'll find a way,"


"What's up with you, Draco? Why are you so smug?" Nadia asked as her boyfriend walked into the common room. She placed her book on her lap as he walked up to her smugly.

"I've just become an official member of the Inquisitorial Squad," he revealed his badge that hid under the flap of his uniform collar proudly, "I was thinking you could maybe, join with me? Might be good to get on her good side..."

Nadia exhaled slowly before returning to her book, flipping to the next page. Draco's face scrunched up in confusion.

"What?" Draco asked oblivious to the reasoning behind Nadia's hesitance. Nadia exhaled once again and looked up. She stood from her chair and walked up to Draco and said—

"So, you are suggesting that I, the daughter of a werewolf, cousin to Harry Potter and friend to the Weasley twins should join her little squad? You got the wrong girl," scoffed Nadia.

Draco sighed exasperatedly, "Nadia..." he tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and continued to say, "You are so much more than that, Nad. Think of all the benefits: you can dock points, get extra credit. The same privileges as a prefect but more!"

"I don't think so Draco."

He pulled Nadia into his arms and looked at her, "Did you know that I'm the leader? Cool, huh? I could get you in no doubt," he bragged with a warm smile.

Nadia hummed, "Is that right?" Draco nodded still holding Nadia in the clutch of his arms. Nadia's back arched so she could look up at Draco properly, she felt bad lying but she had to stick to it, "Draco, it sounds lovely, but I already have enough on my plate with OWLS, I need to get my grades up. I have been studying with Hermione every night in preparation."

She was never studying with Hermione, she was at meetings.

"What are you talking about? You and Granger are like the smartest in the whole year! You don't need to worry, my love." Draco reminded gently but firmly.

Nadia left Draco's clutch and argued, "Not when Umbridge is around. She'll do anything to make me fail. But if you want to stay in her little posse that's fine with me, Draco,"

He sighed before replying with, "Okay...are you sure?"

Nadia nodded before Draco pecked her cheek lightly and saying, "Okay, if your sure. I love you."

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