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˗ˋˏ 3RD PERSON POV ˎˊ-

As soon as Toph's students dug out the ground. Kaida and Toph passed out. The ice turned itself into Tundra and carried Kaida onto the land where she laid curled up her skin turning red from the new heat that was recovering her body.

Sokka went over and picked her up, a worried look taking over his face "She's freezing."

Jingbo walked over. "I have a warm bottle maybe that will help!" He said and pulled it out.

Nutha apologized to Katara and promised she would apologize to Kaida when she was awake. Sokka and Katara took their sister to the medic tent while Aang went to find out how to talk to Avatar Yangchen.
They tucked the girl under some blankets as it started to rain, they hoped it wouldn't bother with her recovery.

"You used to much of your energy." A woman's voice said, it sounded familiar. "You have strength but don't push yourself. You may be stronger but you need to take your time."

"Right, thank you mom."

˗ˋˏ 3RD PERSON POV ˎˊ-

I shot up inhaling and looked around, my teeth chattered and I shivered before forcing myself up. I ran out of the medical tent, slightly confused.

"Kaida, lay down." Sokka called but I shook my head.

   "Aang! What'd Yangchen say?" Katara asked and we listened to him.

   "All this iron is actually the armor of an ancient spirit. We need to put it back in the ground." Aang explained. "Then I've got to make this place look the way it did before the humans started building stuff here."

   "But doesn't that mean you'd have to destroy the refinery? The entire town?" Sokka asked.

   "Yes." Aang replied.

   "All right... if you think that's what we should do." I said but I didn't think it was the best idea.

   Aang nodded at the girl and turned to Katara. "You and Kaida make sure everyone's out of the buildings."

   "Okay." Katara said and I followed her.

We were warning everyone to evacuate, using the water as a shield from the rain to shelter the citizens. We were finishing up but we had one last stop.

"My cabbages!" The man cried.

"I'm sorry, sir, but it isn't safe for you to stay here!" Katara warned.

The man began to cry. "I'm sure we can, Uhm... get you new cabbages when this is all over." I mumbled but he continued to cry.

"Oh, it won't be the same! It's never the same! My poor cabbages! Oh my—" he paused to admire the lift machine. "Oh my goodness! What a remarkable machine!"

"Sir please come with us." I spoke and he followed us.

As we had cleared everyone out I caught glance of the giant spirit raising from the sea and getting closer to the shore.

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