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   I started to consider what Iroh said, agreeing that maybe if Azula saw her mother she would heal. Even so, I still feared her, especially as her deathly gaze stayed on me. I know she can't do anything with everyone around but I think that made me even more afraid of her.
   That night we decided to rest before leaving on the trip. I could barely sleep that night and half of it was because I was afraid that Azula could attack us at any moment because she was staying in the Palace with us and the other half of it was because I was worried about what might happen on the trip.

   I woke up feeling exhausted but I hid it pretty well and we started packing the things up on Appa.

   "Good morning Azula!" Aang called and we looked over. "Beautiful day for a trip isn't it?"

   "Hmph." Azula tossed her bag over. "Be careful when you put my luggage on that shaggy beast of yours!"

   "Why do you have to be so mean all the time?" Ty Lee asked.

   "Appa has feelings, too." Suki said.

   "Yeah but, Azula doesn't." Mirai picked up Azula's luggage.

   I walked over to the others and Zuko grabbed my hand. "You can stay here with Uncle and Mirai."

   I glanced at Azula. "No, I really think the more benders the better."

   "Hey!" Sokka whined.

   "I still don't like it, Zuko." Katara spoke.

"I don't think any of us like it." I added.

   "We'll need to take turns keeping an eye on her." Zuko said. "Every moment of every day, at least one of us has to be totally focused on Azula."

   "Well, if worst comes to worse there are five of us against one of her." Katara spoke confidently.

   "Katara have you forgotten that she can lightning bend?" I asked because she made it seem like Azula was weak against us.

   "I'll take first watch!" Sokka grinned.

   "What?!" I asked.

   "I appreciate the offer, Sokka, but maybe you should leave this to the benders." Zuko replied and I calmed down.

   "No, I've got it covered." Sokka said and pulled out his boomerang. "Mr. boomerang and I didn't really appreciate her ignorant peasant comment yesterday. We're gonna show her what we're made of!"
   He walked over. "Time to go Azula! And no funny business or else- wack a pow!"

   "Sokka caref—" I was cut off by Azula zapping him.

   Aang trapped Azula's feet to the ground, Katara froze one of Azula's arms while Mirai had the other one wrapped in the Kyoketshu, Zuko had the flame from his fist.


"I'm okay!" He said but you could hear the fear in his voice.

"Don't ever touch him again." I hissed at Azula.

"Tell your brother not to wave his toy in my face!" Azula replied.

"We made a deal, Azula!" Zuko walked to her. "If we're going to do this together, you have to stay calm."

"Keep your merry band of misfits in check and we'll get along just fine." Azula smiled.

"I changed my mind." Sokka rubbed the back of his neck. "One of you take first watch."

Zuko agreed to take first watch first watch so we took off into the sky, I looked down at Iroh as he waved us a farewell.

"Ahhh!" Sokka sighed. "The open sky above us, a daring mission before us? And friends all around just like old times isn't it?"

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