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They all climbed on and we took off on Appa. I fed Ming and pet her as we flew, I knew I couldn't fear Azula. I had to help Zuko and even if I didn't know what they were talking about I knew that Azula wanted something from her brother.
   The girl kept talking about a woman and I can only assume it is her mother who haunts her thoughts.

   We soon landed just outside of Hira'a and the rest of us changed out of out regular clothes and changed into Fire Nation clothing. Katara and I both wore red dresses but mine didn't have sleeves like hers which we're short. Zuko and Azula didn't really need to change but Zuko decided to wear a hood. Sokka wore what looked like a regular Fire Nation outfit while Aang's outfit looked like a uniform.

"We need to hide our identities." Zuko said. "We might get mobbed if people find out we're the Avatar, Dragon of Ice, and the Fire Lord."

"Don't worry." Aang replied smiling. "After hiding from you for all those months, we're masters of disguise."

"At least we don't have to cut our hair this time." I mutter as I used a scarf to tie up my hair with the pieces of hair framing my face.

"Here." Zuko took the hairclips/beads and put them on the two strands were I always wore them.

"Aang, that headband of yours is cute." Katara spoke. "But it worked a lot better when you had hair."

"Whoa, when did Aang have hair!?" I asked looking at them. "I just can't picture it."

"See!" We turned to Sokka. "A fake beard made out of sky bison fur! A classic!"

"Get away from me!" Azula warned in disgust. "You smell like a wet possum-pigeon!"

I placed Ming in my bag and we walked to the village. Appa and Momo had to stay behind but I didn't trust Momo enough to take care of Ming, that and I was scared that Ming would bite him.
We arrived in the village but there was so much people surrounded in one area. It looked like a stage.

"I thought Hira'a was supposed to be a small town." Aang spoke. "Why is it so crowded?"

We made our way through the crowd and I looked up at the stage of the two actors on stage one with a blue mask and the other with a red one.

"Ooo It's some kind of play." I pointed out.

"I recognize this scene!" Zuko spoke. "It's the final battle in Love Amoungst the Dragons."

We watched the play, I didn't really know the story since Zuko never really told us it but I guess it was somewhat entertaining to watch.
I listened in on how the Fire Nation siblings reminisced their childhood after watching the play, they would reenact this exact scene. Azula sounded like she was taking it in but then she quickly blew up after getting shushed by the old man who was here with his wife.
I guess it was a reach thinking that Azula could actually be good for once.

   The play ended with a kiss and the crowd cheered along with the Aang and Katara kissing. I glanced at Zuko just as his finger hooked onto mine. It was a sweet gesture and I honestly loved it more than kissing in front of an entire crowd.

   "Everybody's leaving!" Aang stated the obvious. "What do we do now?"

   "Let me ask around." Zuko replied and walked over to the elder couple. "Excuse me. We're looking for information on a woman named Ursa. I believe she lived here many years ago."

   "Ursa...Ursa... Wasn't she the magistrate's daughter?" The man spoked.

   "Oh yes!" His wife replied. "Rumor has it she-"

   "Excuse me." We jumped and looked back at the man in the blue mask.

   My eyes locked on it even after her removed it. It was the same mask that Zuko used when we were taken prisoners by Zhao and when we were hiding in the Earth Kingdom.

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