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   I weakly smiled at Kiyi but I knew she was just as worried as I was for Zuko. Ursa was also worried, she lost one daughter and was holding onto the other but now her son was fighting for his own life and ours.
   We could hear the sound of fire coming from the outside and the sound of things piercing through the ice. I heard Zuko call for Suki and abruptly stopped.

   "Not bad for a... What was that you called us again?" The man asked. "Oh yes. A bunch of thugs."
   Soon we heard a gust of what sounded like wind but was actually fire melting the ice.
   "Remember what I said?" The man continued. "No harm would come to your family if you stepped down peacefully. What just happened here was not peaceful. Not in the least."

   "Leave them alone, they have nothing to do with this!" Zuko yelled.

   "Okay, new plan." I quickly spoke handing Ming to Kiyi. "I'm gonna help Zuko."

   I got out again and pushed them all away. "Get away from the caravan!" I ordered but they laughed.

   I shot them away and heard Zuko had gotten up due to someone helping him. The voice sounded very familiar and it hurt me to realize exactly who it was.

   "Sora, I wondered how long it would take you to finally reveal your treachery!" The man yelled. "I knew long ago that your heart had abandoned the rightous path. And that's why you proved useful to me!"

   I froze the door shut on my side and ran to the other, I crashed into a Sora and frowned at first.

   "Sora, What are you doing here?" I asked.

   "Uh... Helping?" He said as we closed in back to back. "We have a mutual friend."

   "Who?" Zuko and I asked at the same time.

   "Her!" We looked up as Kyoshi warriors came from a balloon along with Mai and Iroh.

   Mai hit the guards with her throwing knives and we were no longer surrounded by the men.

   "Now finally The Dragon of the West is ready for action!" Iroh announced.

   "Mai!" I smiled.

   "Duck!" She demanded.

   "Duck?" Zuko asked.

   "Duck!" I pulled him down dodging more ropes. Mai threw the knife into the machine damaging it.

   "You! I knew you couldn't be trusted!" Mai yelled at Sora.

   "Mai, the society knew I was going to betray them! They fed me bad information! I swear!" Sora explained.

   "I vouch for him." Zuko ran over.

   "What?! You don't know a thing about him!!" She yelled at me.

   "He used to work in the palace! He was a gaurd when Kaida was a prisoner!" Zuko explained. "I also know his name is Sora and he just helped save my family!"


   Mai went to the man as a spear crashed through the window. "No!" Zuko and I called.

   "Go nephew, I got you covered!" Iroh called and Zuko ran over so did I

   "Mother, Kiyi, Noren!" Zuko opened the door and we saw them on the opposite side of the carriage.

   "W-We're okay, Zuko, Kaida." Noren stuttered.

   "Just tell us when you're done." Kiyi peeked from the protection "Kay? I'm getting kinda tired of sitting in here."

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