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   The way this man just disrespected Zuko made me angry but I held back and looked up at Zuko who looked just as surprised as the rest of us. I was going to say something but Aang beat me to it.

   "No!" Aang said. "That isn't how the spirit world works! The balance between the humans and the spirits has nothing to do with strength!"

   "Show that you're worthy, Zuko!"  The man stubbornly ignored Aang. "Declare a curfew to keep your citizens safe! Then send out an elite task force to fight the dark spirits!
   Take down just one of them and we'll show the spirits that humans aren't to be trifiled with!"

   I rolled my eyes crossing my arms, I thought Zuko would deny it but he rubbed his chin thinking about it.
   "Zuko, You can't seriously be thinking this through." I claimed.

   "If that is your wish, Fire Lord, I'll begin gathering a task force. It may take some time though." Sung said.

   "Don't do it, Zuko!" Aang stood at the side of the Fire Lord. "A curfew would just make folks even more fearful! Plus, how's a task force supposed to fight spirits? You can't use normal bending!
   Let's first figure out exactly what happened to Tom-Tom then well know what to do next."

   "What the Avatar says makes sense." Mai said.

   Zuko closed his eyes and looked at Aang. "Wise advice Avatar. Constable please escort Ukano, out."

   "I knew it!" Ukando shouted back as he was being escorted out. "You're unworthy of the throne, Zuko! You're an imposter!"

   When he chanted that I looked over at Mai and Sora.

   "Mai, When the New Ozai Society attacked me and my family a few weeks ago.." Zuko paused. "Was your father a part of that?"

   Mai looked down. "Not that I know of." She answered.

   "Hm. I thought I recognized his voice." Zuko told her.

   You did.

   I looked at Sora and then at Mai. I never forget a voice especially when it's someone who I despise.

   "Mai, I need to know everything you know about the Kemurikage." Aang told her.

   "I've already told you, They're just an old legend." Mai answered.

   "An old legend, huh?" Zuko looked back. "Then I have an idea about where to find out more, follow me."

   The Fire Lord and Aang both left while I stayed back with Sora and Mai. "I never forget a voice." I said and walked over. "What's going on? Why did you lie?"

   "Kaida's right." Sora spoke turning to Mai. "Your dad ought to be arrested! Why would you lie about his involvement with the New Ozai Society?"

   "Because he's right." Mai answered. "If I hadn't brought Tom-Tom to live with me, Maybe none of this would've happened. Our home was big and boring...but it was also safe."

   "Mai, I understand you just want Tom-Tom, to be okay and I'm sure he is but you can't save your dad after what he tried to do to Zuko's family." I told her. "It's not right."

   "She's just not thinking clearly about this." Sora said.

   "If we find Tom-Tom--" Mai started.

   "You mean when we find Tom-Tom--" Sora corrected.

   "I'm going to need my father to take care of him, and he can't do that from prison." Mai finished and followed the others.

   Sora and I looked at each other and he opened his mouth "I'm still mad at you." I quickly said so he wouldn't talk and then I followed the others.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

   We got on Appa and started flying to an area that put a smile on my face and as well as Zuko's, his hand holding mine.

   "Whoa." Sora said amazed. "What is this place?"

   "The Fire Sage Capital Temple." Mai and I said and we looked at each other.

   "Uh you've been here, Mai?" Sora asked.

   "Once." She said as we climbed the stairs "An ex thought it'd be romantic to share a meal over the burial site of his ancestors."

   "Interesting." I replied and let go of Zuko's hand, he tried to grab my hand again but walked ahead of him.

   "So! You guys!" Aang said as it grew awkward. "How about we, Y'know get going on the, uh...whatever it is we came here to do?!"

   "Great Sage Shyu!" Zuko called getting the man's attention.

   "Fire Lord! Dragon of Ice! Avatar." Shyu was surprised. "What a pleasant surprise!"

   "So good to see you again, Shyu." Aang said bowing.

   "It's been a while." I bowed.

   "I'm sorry it's been so long since my last visit." Zuko also bowed. "Things have been busy."

   "You know what Fire Sage Kaja used to say, the busier we are, the more attention we must pay to our interior life." Shyu told Zuko.

   "True but—"

   "My brother sages and I recently revived a couple of old practices that may be of interest to you!" Sage Shyu ranted. "In fact, I'm teaching a new meditation class that—"

   Zuko stopped him politely. "I'd love to hear more, Shyu, I swear, but right now, my friends and I need to get into the Dragonbone Catacombs."

   Shyu sighed disappointed. "Of course."

   "Does the Fire Lord visit often?" Aang asked.

   "Sure." Sage Shyu replied walking to the center. "Sometimes for the view, sometimes for the dusty old scrolls in the catacombs. Never for my meditation classes."

    The sage punched the ground and it lit up opening to a spiral stair case. Zuko was upfront holding up fire so we could see and Aang was behind us with the same thing. As we walked in I told Shyu I would come to his meditation classes and maybe his granddaughter can come visit him.
   We walked down to see animal skulls and fire. They all were lined against the dirt wall.

   "So this is where the Fire Lords are buried?" Sora asked.

   "Yes." Zuko answered.

   "Reserve a place for yourself yet?" Mai asked and that made Zuko look at her.

   "What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

   "It's just a question, Zuko." Mai replied.

   "Is this supposed to be Fire Lord Sozin?" Sora asked pointing to a statue.

   "My great grandfather, yes." Zuko said.

   "Looks like a crank." Sora pointed out.

   "It runs in the family." I said hearing Aang and Sora both chuckle.

I began to looked around just to look for anything that might be important.

Re-Edited; 7/17/21

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