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Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked.

Only the Avatar; Master of all four elements, could stop them. But when the world needed him most, he vanished.

A hundred years passed and my brother Sokka and sister Katara discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang.

Although his airbending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready to save anyone.

Though I can't say I fully had faith in him since the beginning, I slowly trusted him and believed that Aang would save the world.
And you know what?

He did.

With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and finally ended the hundred year war.

Zuko, Ozai's son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together with King Kuei, Aang, and Zuko promised to restore the four nations to harmony.

With a little help of course.

~Before they went to the
Jasmin Dragon.~

   The ceremony had ended and Sokka, Katara, and I talked to dad for a while. We were catching up on the little things and he talked about going home which made me miss the South Pole so much more. I buried that feeling because I didn't want to get my hopes too high, I did promise Zuko that I would stay if he ever needed help.
Couple stuff.

Even Sokka started making plans between him and Mirai, also just wanting to spend time with her even though she was making it obvious that she wanted to care for her Grandfather and spend some time with him, mainly to question him about her mother and Sokka told her he could help.

   Zuko had disappeared after talking with the Fire Sages. He told me he had Fire Lord business to attend to first so I respected that but he was taking much longer than I had expected.
I asked if anyone knew where he was or if they at least saw in what direction he went but nobody did so I just had to wait for him.

   "King Kuei is back in Ba Sing Se." Aang said walking over to us with the message in hand. "We need to discuss everything moving forward."

   "Great let's go!" Sokka smiled, his arm around Mirai.

"We need Zuko." Aang said and they looked at me.

"I don't know where he is." I told them. "He'll come back, we made plans to go the the Jasmine Dragon so he has to come back."

"Okay, let's get Appa ready." Katara said and I nodded.

I'm sure that he wouldn't run away but there was a tiny part of me that still thought he might actually run away from the responsibility. Stop thinking like that. I told myself and looked around once again just in case I missed him.

"So let's see it." Mirai nudged me.
I looked at her confused. "Dragon."

"Ooh that." I chewed my lip. "Maybe not this second but later. Look here come Prince Zuko!"
I smiled but saw that he looked a little mad or frustrated.

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