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   I had walked away from Zuko as quickly as possible after telling him I loved him. I don't know if I was more afraid to hear it or to not hear it from him. If he did say it, I don't think I would have believed that he'd meant it at the moment.
I had something else to do, I know I can be more useful, Zuko really does need my help and that's what I'm here for.

   "Ming, let's take a quick trip." I smiled and she quacked. I brought out Tundra and we got on.

   I had been trying to control it more for the year and officially named it, only because I didn't want to call it just an ice dragon.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

   I landed and heard cheers from little kids. They swarmed around me giggling about Aang and asking when he would be coming back.

   "Kaida!" I was tackled in a hug and we both fell onto the ground.

   "Hi Ty Lee." I groaned and she helped me up apologizing. "Uh, where is Suki?"

   "Come on." Ty Lee started backflipping away.

   I smiled softly and followed, looking around at the houses, the last time I was here they had been burned, that and it was winter, I had long hair back then too. Zuko was still the biggest jerk in the world, so much had changed since then.

"Hi Kaida." Suki walked over with a smile.

"Hey Suki." I replied. "I have a favor to ask you, and you can decline if you want but.. I was wondering if you could be guards to Fire Lord Zuko for a while.
It's just recently he hasn't been getting much sleep and has had a few assassination attempts go down." They gasped.

"His own personal guards?" She asked and I nodded. "Well Kyoshi Island is safe. We can leave a few girls here and take a few there."

"Thank you." I smiled and we all left on Tundra back to the Fire Nation palace.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

I set Ming in the pond and Tundra stayed with her. Then I made my way to look for Zuko which didn't take long since he was where he said he would be.

"Hey love," He whispered as I hugged him. "What's wrong? You said we needed to talk right?"

"We're dating yet.." I paused. "Yet you're still keeping secrets from me and hiding things..."
I pulled away and looked up at him. My hands lightly brushing his face. "I'm your girlfriend, I want you to talk to me with any problems you have. I don't care how small or stupid you may think it is.."

"You're right." He placed a soft kiss on my lip. "It won't happen again."

I took in his features even more up close. "You must be exhausted."

"Is it that obvious?" He asked.

"When was the last time you've seen your own reflection?" I kissed him softly and pulled away. "You're Fire Lord now and well, if you don't feel safe in your home maybe your bodyguards are the problem. Though they are good for protecting the palace people, I decided to help fix that."

"You have?" He asked and I nodded.

"So I asked some friends to come help." The Kyoshi warriors stepped in and Zuko greeted them. "Hopefully you can have a better time trying to sleep now."

"We won't let anything happen to you, Zuko." Suki told him.

"Thank you." Zuko bowed to them.

We talked for a while and I really thought this was a great idea, I trusted the Kyoshi warriors more than the actual palace guards.
   I decided to spend some time with Zuko so we went out to the Royal garden. Zuko had it fixed up since he became Fire Lord and it has never looked nicer, at least that's what he said.

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