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   Zuko and I went to a building we were staying at, they called it a hotel, a building Malina and Maliq made to add to the South Pole. I had to admit it was pretty and held in the warmth more than our Igloos and huts, because of the wood and concrete.
   I sighed laying back on the bed. The stuffed animal next to me and Zuko watching from the door. I looked back at the festival, we were having so much fun for once without having anything to worry about. It had been months since we've done something with each other that didn't involve us fighting people.

   In my head I thought it was perfectly fine to rebuild the South Pole, I always admired the North Pole since we had seen it. It was perfect just growing and building up our sad little village, even if it was the one that held so many memories of mom.
   Now I just see it as a mess, dad was hurt because of Malina and what if we came too late? He would have been dead too.

   "Some vacation." I covered my face feeling a dip next to me.
   Zuko moved the stuffed animal and he was at my side. "I'm so sorry, Zuko."

   "It's all right, love." He replied.

    I turned my head and my eyes traced his body, he was going to be 19 soon. That would mean we'd have been dating for three years, if I hadn't come back I would've also been gone for two years.
   Two years and this was the Zuko, I was with, his hair was still growing in nicely, his body was toned and beautiful. His personality much more different, much better.

   "What?" Zuko asked and that's when I came back from admiring my boyfriend's body.

   "You know what." I whispered before our lips collided I rolled on top of him our lips never disconnecting..

   "One thing can go right." I whispered kissing down his jaw.

   "One night." His voice husked. "Wouldn't be so bad."


   "South for the Southerns! Foreigners out!" The southern citizens chanted towards the gate.

   "This can't get worse." I muttered to myself.

   It's been a few weeks since the attack. Toph was still moving forward with construction and Katara denied to have any part in changing the South. I didn't want to help because of what happened to dad and I was still on edge that Gilak or someone would still try something until then I was trying to keep and eye on dad and Zuko who was a foreigner and also being targeted once again.
He actually went home that morning and told me that he would like to come back when everything settled down, he didn't want me to worry but I was already beyond that point.
Malina was still here and dad got most of the Southerners to get on board with the plan of building up the city.

   "Don't worry your dad already invited me back for the meeting and then I can go back to the Fire Nation." Zuko said a bit happy since he didn't like the cold very much. "I guess it was too good to be true, after all we have put the South through."

   "Don't say that." I said as we walked out. "Malina and Maliq caused all of this along with Gilak. Though the Fire Nation did do some messed up stuff... but that was then and this isn't your fault."
I kissed him before he left in a blimp.


I looked over and stopped the snow from falling on Toph's students. Toph also used her metal bending to save them as I pushed the snow back how the wanted it. I got on Tundra and flew over the gate and people onto the other side.

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