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Zuko and I boarded the ship along with the men of the army. There were many other ships by our side, nothing less than expected when going to a fight. I was nervous and I could tell that Zuko was too.
I don't plan on letting another war break out. I planned on stopping either side from starting anything, I can't let them do something stupid that goes for King Kuei and Aang too.

"Let's go to bed." Zuko said and I blushed. "Sorry there aren't enough rooms for you to have your own room."

"Oh no it's okay.." I muttered and we walked to his room.

   I looked at the one bed and then glanced up at Zuko. I was 16 so I was basically at marrying age for the Northern Water Tribe. I've slept with Zuko before and I've slept next to him multiple times, but I still felt nervous.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

"Are you actually going to get some sleep tonight?" I asked him and he shrugged. "All right well, let's go to sleep."

He sighed and pulled out his hair piece while I pulled off my boots, I watched as he pulled off his shirt and the scar was slightly there, over the year it started fading.

"Are you okay?" He asked crouching in front of me.

"Pft, yeah...why wouldn't I be?" I asked nervously.

"Your face is really red and your freckles look more noticeable." He placed his hand on my face and my heart started to race.
He leaned in and his lips brushed lightly against mine. My heart began to race even faster but I didn't want him to stop. I gripped his hand in mine pulling him over me.

"Kaida." He hummed into my neck leaving kisses scattered around. "Please stop me.. because if you don't I won't be able to stop myself."

I smiled weakly at his lips grazing the skin. "I don't want you to stop either." I pulled him back so we could kiss again this time our lips moved more passionately as he removed my dress.

⇢ ⇢ ⇢

I woke up to a rush of cold air but then the blanket was pulled over my shoulder. I turned to Zuko as he sat up touching his chest. He looked at me and before I could ask what was wrong, he wrapped his arms around me.
His body was warm as always, it was comforting and his hand was buried in my hair meaning he was looking for comfort so I slithered my hands around him letting him rest in my neck.

"It's gonna be okay." I whisper and kiss his forehead, my hand stroke his hair but I wanted to know what was bothering so I could be of more help.


I walked out of the room first leaving Zuko to sleep a little more before arriving. I watched Genral Mak as he talked to his soilders.

"General Mak." I walked over.

"Yes Kaida?" He turned to me and I blanked for a second.

"The Earth Kingdom will have machines...the ones that my brother and the machinists made for the Black Sun invasion a year ago." I looked at him. "What are you using?"

"I'm sorry Kaida but Zuko told me not to discuss anything to do with the plan, with you." He replied and I rolled my eyes walking away.

   "At least he's loyal enough to Zuko." I mumbled.

   I knew that there were a few rhinos in one of the other ships but I didn't know what were in the other ones. I looked ahead to see we were just about to land.
   I waited for Zuko, he came out wearing a helmet and armor, so this was really going to happen.

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