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   I walked around alone, sometimes talking to the people but I went to my old practicing spot that was now a flat surfaced town. A sigh passed my lips as I looked up and momo landed on my shoulder, a smile formed on my face as I read that the blimps would be arriving soon.
   I got on Tundra and raced to the area, though there were still people there. I ignored them and got off walking over as the two stepped out of their blimps.

   "Announcing the arrival Earth King Kuei! And Fire Lord Zuko!" One of the guards announced.

   "We're here! We're finally here!" King Kuei happily spoke. "I've been wanting to visit the South Pole for years now, ever since meeting Katara, Sokka, and Kaida! Isn't that right Basco?" Basco rawred, what I assume was a roar of agreement. "My goodness! It's everything I'd imagined it'd be! It's- It's F-f-f-freezing!"

   "Well, it is the South Pole your majesty." Zuko told him.

   "Are those people protesting the c-c-cold?" King Kuei asked.

   "I'm afraid not, your majesty." I bowed. "I'm sorry to say but, They're protesting you and Fire Lord Zuko."

   "After what the Fire Nation has put them through, I can't blame them." Zuko said and looked at me.

   "Hush," I hugged him and he held me tightly. "I missed you."

   "And I you." He kissed my cheek.

   "Fire Lord Zuko, How can you stand such temperatures?!" Kuei asked then looked at his best friend, the bear. "Basco w-w-would you mind?" The bear hugged the king and I smiled. "Aaah! Much better! Everyone should have a bear for a best friend! Zuko, if you'd like to join me, I'm sure there's enough room in Bosco's hug!"

   "That's very, um, generous of you but no thank you." Zuko replied trying to be poliet and I giggled.

   "Earth King Kuei Fire Lord Zuko!" We looked over at Sokka who was waving us over.

   "Thanks so much for coming back." Sokka and Zuko greeted each other in a hug.

   "Sokka, good to see you, buddy!" Zuko replied.

   "Hello friend!" Kuei waved.

   Zuko still looked back at the protesters unsure. "Don't worry about them." Sokka said. "They just need to see what we're trying to do. Then they'll get it."

   "Protecting foreigners Sokka?!" One of the protestors asked. "You've been away for too long! You've forgotten where you belong!"

   We took them to the meeting room where we all sat down and listen to dad who was giving the speech "...A modernized harbor would not only give the world access to our tribe, but also our tribe access to the world." He explained. "And finally we would like to establish embassies in both your nations. We of course, invite you to do the same.
   And that, my friends, is our vision for the future of the Southern Water Tribe."

   "HERE HERE! HERE HERE!" Sokka clapped.

   "As I'm sure you can imagine, the Southern Water Tribe's economy has been.. How should I put this?.. Under extreme duress for the last century." Dad continued. "We don't have the proper resources to make this vision a reality. And that's why we're asking for your partnership."

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