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   I had breakfast with Kiyi as she had bardged into my room for the third day in a row. I would have been in an attitude if it were anyone else but she was just too sweet to get mad at. I eventually got away from her when I had to shower.
   I spent a while in there while Ming enjoyed the bathtub. Once I was done I walked out onto the deck and spotted Zuko.

   "Morning love." I wrapped my arms around him from behind. He had grown much taller.

   "What's going on?" I asked.

   He looked around before he looked at me. "I got a message from the Kyoshi worriors. Ty Lee said that she heard someone was going to attack us, an ambush."

   "The New Ozai Society?" I looked at the message. "Why can't these people just give up on Ozai?
   What are we going to do? Are you going to be okay?"

   "I already have everything planned out." Zuko replied.

I nodded but felt uneasy. Ever since we started dating, even from the beginning I always felt more cautious around him. I had always put everyone's safety before my own but now it was stronger especially with Zuko and his family.
Zuko had told me the entire plan and I had agreed with all of it and I had to since it was too late now to change anything. Everyone else came up and Ming was back at my side in the pouch of my waterskins.

"Zuko, you sure we're on the right course?" Ursa asked as she looked through the telescope. "That doesn't look like Harbor City."

"Change of plans." Zuko said. "I've arranged for some friends to meet us here."

"Wow! What is that?!" Kiyi exclaimed as the submarine rose.

   "A submarine." I smiled at her. I remembered when Sokka bragged about it. "It's a ship that goes underwater, my older brother, Sokka designed it."

   "We both have cool brother's!" Kiyi smiled proudly.

   "I guess we do." I smiled.

   "The funny guy with the boomerang?" Noren asked.

   "That's him." Zuko replied.

   The door to the submarine opened and out popped Iroh. "Nephew!"

   "Uncle!" Zuko replied with the same upbeat energy.


   "Iroh." I chuckled and he came over embracing his nephew first.

   "Thank you for watching over things while I've been away." Zuko said. "Once again I don't know how to repay you."

   "Seeing that your trip was successful is repayment enough!" Iroh said.

   "Iroh!" Ursa called.

   "Lady Ursa, I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to see you again." Iroh bowed. "Let me express how sorry I am for the pain you suffered at the hands of my family."

   "Iroh what are you apologizing for?" She hugged him. "Your presence in the family always gave me hope."

   "Kaida, My what a beautiful necklace." Iroh hugged me. "It feels like just yesterday I offered you tea..."

   "It's only been a year..almost two.." I hugged him once again.

   Ursa began to introduce Iroh to her family and I was happy for them and then I saw zuko holding Suki's hand. He was just helping her down but I felt jealous. I mean she did say somethings that were questionable but maybe I was just being too overprotective.

   "I said no!" We heard and looked over as Mirai climbed out of the hatch. "Hii!"
   She came out and greeted us. "I'm Mirai, Friend's with your son and the Avatar.." she told Ursa. She had her Sun warrior make up and jewelry which told us she was leaving again.

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