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We had convinced Ursa and Ikem to go home, to the Fire Nation Palace, with Zuko since he wanted her home. Now we were on a ship, Katara, Sokka, and I were watching over the rail as Aang took Kiyi and Ming to ride on the flying dolphin.
There was a nice breeze, since fall would be taking over soon and then winter. As I thought about that, a thought of the South Pole came to mind. So I completely stopped thinking about it.

"Sure looks like Aang and Kiyi are having fun." Sokka said.

"Why don't you ask to join them, Sokka?" Katara waved at them.

"He's scared." I smirked. "Scared of a little water?"

"No! Too slimey for my taste." He smiled.

"Flying dolphin fishes aren't slimy!" Katara told him.

"Yeah, well, I still prefer my rides to be mechanical." Sokka replied and Appa roared for his attention. "Except you? Of course, Appa!"

I rolled my eyes and then Katara and I started laughing when he got covered in Appa spit.

"He says he likes you too." I smiled then saw Zuko come out, he was saying something to him mom.
I forced myself to stop laughing and walked over to them.

"You still get that sparkle in your eyes when you're excited, Zuko." Ursa smiled and it looked like she pinched his cheek. "Just like when you were little."

"I knew it." I chuckled and Zuko blushed.

"Mom, please. I'm the Fire Lord now." He moved her hand away.

"Of couse, sorry." She replied and glanced at me then we both chuckled.

It wasn't long before Zuko told his mother about us and she wanted to hear all about it, in the beginning I didn't want to tell the story because of how we started out and it made her son sound like such a bad guy but she begged to hear it and Zuko started to tell her. Kiyi found the story very interesting and thought that maybe it was a real book. Zuko and Noren came up with the title name, Opposites attract. She found the story amazing.

"It'll be so good to have you home again." Zuko said. "I'm gonna go see what Aang and others are up to."

"Is someone embarrassed?" I teased as we walked over to my siblings.

"Says the one who gets embarrassed in-"

I flicked him and we both chuckled. "Shut up."

We walked over to my siblings and Sokka teased us about the betrothal necklace. We also told them about it but I mean we had too, it was pretty obvious.

"So when are you gonna tell dad?" Katara asked.

"You know Gran Gran is gonna want Great Grandkid!" Sokka joked.

"Shut up, Sokka." I splashed him.

"KIYI!" We turned to Ursa running to the rail.

"Don't worry, Ursa. She's perfectly safe with Aang he's—" Katara tried.

"Kiyi! Come back!" Ursa called.

Aang quickly came back holding the girl in his arms. "I promise Kiyi wasn't ever in danger!" He told Ursa.

"Kiyi!" She, held onto her daughter. "I can't lose you! I can't!"

"Let go! Let go!" Kiyi cried reaching out for her father. "Daddy, I wanna go downstairs!" She hid behind her father's legs.

"All right, honey, whatever you want." Noren looked at Ursa with a sorry look.

Zuko walked over to his mother. "Give her time." He tried comforting her.

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